~Çhapter Førty-Sęvęn~

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I groaned and rubbed my eyes groggily. Always the sleeping dust. Every time I'm ever knocked out it's the sleeping dust.

I sat up and ran a hand through my loose hair, my hand getting caught in the knots and painfully tugging at my scalp. I pulled my hand away to see it dusted with golden powder. Great.

I looked around as I took in my surroundings. The ground was stone cold under my palm when I realised it was actual stone. I looked at the walls and realised they too were made of stone.

A cave. I was dumped by Victoria in a cave. How classy.

I looked around and realised the cave was only illuminated by the entrance that was letting light pour through the open mouth.

I stood up and held onto the wet, mossy wall of the cave to keep myself steady as I was still disorientated from the sleeping dust. I slowly walked on unsteady legs to the exit of the cave.

The harsh sunlight burned my eyes causing me to squint but I enjoyed the feeling of the heat wrapping itself around me.

I crinkled my nose as a smell overcame my senses. Wet dog. Great, Victoria knocks me out and dumps me outside of the White Starlight Pack.

They could probably smell me already unless Victoria took the time to cloak my scent but-

A howl sounded, ringing in my ears. An Alpha's howl followed by the Luna before finally the pack fighters and Beta. Wonderful.

"Victoria you little-"

There was a rustle and I froze.

Border patrol.

My hand slid down to my belt, I opened the pouch full of sleeping dust before grabbing a hand full of the golden powder.

I stood still and tense while I waited. My breathing was shallow and fast as I waited. I could feel my heart pounding away in my chest.

This was real. This was the real world. I wouldn't be carried to the infirmary if I were injured and I didn't have my friends watching my back. If I were injured now I would be left for dead.

The smell of wet dog became more pungent as I heard the rustle of leaves with the occasional snap of a twig.

I pinpointed the sound and smell and turned 90 degrees. A Lycan jumped out just as I blew the sleeping dust at them.

They inhaled the dust, their eyes dilated and they stumbled before falling to the floor. Asleep not dead.

I took off in a sprint. I should've been running away and yet I found myself running right across the border of the pack and officially into their territory.

The Luna of the pack is a few months pregnant and so wouldn't be out on the field, neither would the Alpha incase the Hunter, aka me, managed to sneak past all of his fighters - he would need to be there to defend his wife, heir and unborn pup.

That means they'll be in their house or a safe house, both of which I had read the location of in the file.

I skirted around the border of the territory, knocking out all the Lycans on patrol with sleeping dust, before I ended up at their house.

I didn't bother hiding since the Alpha would be able to smell me anyway. I quickly grabbed the lock picks Zac gave me and felt relief flood through me that Zac had given me these.

I sprinted to the backdoor and crouched down next to the lock  before getting to work.

I'd gotten better, I'd give myself that. The lock gave a click and I stood, pulling the door handle before sneaking inside, closing the door behind me.

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