~Chapter Sįx~

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I pulled myself out of bed and took a quick, and by quick I mean fifteen minute, shower. I walked into my wardrobe and blinked once, twice, in surprise.

All my clothes from home were in there and a lot more clothes. Does that mean if my parents walk into my room and look in the wardrobe then all my clothes will be gone or are these just new?

It hurt to think of the panic I'm causing my 'parents', I would do anything to stop their pain but right now I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere. Behind the cream curtains that were drawn yesterday was floor to ceiling windows but there was also a glass door that lead to a balcony. I took a peek earlier and there was nothing but trees for miles around. I was in the middle of nowhere.

I sighed, life isn't fair. I picked out some clothes and pulled them on, getting nervous at how worn in they felt.

Yesterday Lucas told me that there was no uniform, and that the assassin outfit was what I would wear to missions but that's it, and I should wear something comfortable for school - something I could fight in. That's not a good sign. I changed into a tank top, comfy trousers and running trainers before walking out my room.

I knew the basic layout of the house but that was it really. My door was made thick wood so no one could eavesdrop but on the door was a golden name plate engraved with my name. There was a room opposite mine which was Lucas' and had his name engraved on it.

I walked past about twenty doors each with a different name before reaching the spiral staircase. My feet padded gently against the wooden stairs as I walked down them. I sauntered into a living room where Lucas sat watching TV.

The living room had deep red walls with the bottoms and tops decorated with gold while the floor was mahogany wood. There was another fireplace surrounded by comfy chairs and tables where you could do group homework but there were also sofas and chairs next to the TV as well as a pool, foosball and stick hockey table.

Lucas turned around as I walked in and smiled. "Morning," he said.

"Morning. Do you know where the kitchen is?" I asked and Lucas paused the TV before standing up.

"Yeah follow me," he said while walking away to an arched doorway.

It was so obvious I almost face-palmed when I saw it. I quickly scurried after him leading me to a massive kitchen. I went over to the fridge and opened it to see it stocked to the brim wth food.

"They usually serve breakfast but you can always wake up late and just eat breakfast in your respective house," Lucas explained.

"Cool. What'd you want for breakfast?" I asked and he seemed taken back for a second.

"What were you going to make?"

"Well I was going to make grilled cheese," I said and he smiled.

"I'll have that then."

"Kay you can go back to watching whatever you were watching," I told him as I gathered everything I needed.

Cooking and baking were things that comforted me because you'll always cook things the same way, it's just something familiar I can do through all this craziness, plus I was used to making my own breakfast before school.

I handed Lucas a plate of grilled cheese, he replied with a simple, thanks, he seemed completely enrapt with whatever he was watching. He absentmindedly took a bite and his head snapped up to me, I feared I did something wrong for a moment before his face broke out into a grin and he scoffed down the rest of it. I bit into mine and hummed my satisfaction before eating the rest.

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