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I rushed through the school hallways, following the sea of people. We had a Hunters form of Chemistry and I'm guessing it's not the same as humans. I pushed my way through the crowd until I grabbed onto Lucas's arm.

"Oh, hey Chase," Lucas said happily.

"Lucas," I panted my response.

I was still catching my breath when Lucas took my arm before dragging me into the classroom. I looked behind me; I had lost Zac on the way through the crowd and I didn't know where he was now.

"That's my mum," he whispered in my ear.

I followed his gaze to see a woman with curly brown hair, creamy skin and a delicate build.

"How'd she end up with your dad?" I asked and Lucas laughed a bit.

"Honestly I always ask the same question."

I tugged my arm out of Lucas's hold and I walked up to her. As soon as she saw me she smiled.

"Hi Mrs. Riley, I'm Chase, thank you for the medicine and help yesterday," I said.

"No problem it's my daughter's fault and I knew she wouldn't clean up her own mess so I had to do it for her," she said looking a little miffed.

"Well thank you, the medicine got rid of all the bruises and cuts plus no swelling."

"Good I had to make it quickly so I was worried that it wouldn't be potent enough," she said sounding relieved and I felt an ache in my chest. She reminded me so much of my mum... my adoptive mum.

"Hey Chase, let's go get seats," Lucas said, I jumped slightly as he was standing right behind me.

"Oh right off you go Chase I'll be seeing you later," Mrs.Riley said with a small wink and I blushed profusely for some reason making her laugh. Lucas dragged me along to a set of seats so I was sitting in between Lucas and Julian then the lesson began.

"Right you'll probably all deal with Werewolves at some point and there is a high chance that you will get bitten and so we'll be working on an antidote. You might want to keep these with you every time you leave the compound. Now go and get the ingredients; all you'll need is some wolfsbane, silver and your own blood," I didn't like the way she said your own blood like it wasn't a big deal and maybe it wasn't, but for me the thought of cutting myself with a knife made me slightly nauseous.

While making the antidote I almost blew it up by adding too much silver, made poison instead of an antidote by accidentally dropping my nail into it when I found it broken and wanted to get it off and spilt some of the serum on the table which burnt right through the metal.

Let's just all get to the conclusion that Chemistry isn't my forte but it was definitely Julian's; he managed to keep track of mine and his own serum and once he'd finished his he fixed my mess. Mrs. Riley didn't seem to mind that I was an absolute failure at Chemistry, it seemed to excite her that she could teach someone from scratch.

When I was about to leave the classroom she stopped me and surprised me by what she said.

"Don't be down hearted Chase, I wasn't good when I first started Chemistry, in fact I made many of the mistakes you did on my first day except I actually blew up the lab," she laughed to herself. "But that just made me all the more determined to learn. Don't worry but if you need any help, any at all, just drop by and I'll help or maybe you could ask Julian, he seems to be good at Chemistry."

I smiled."Thank you Mrs. Riley."

"No problem. Now run along my husband isn't very fond of you I hear and I don't think he'll appreciate you being late," she said and sent me an apologetic smile.

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