~Çhapter Fįfty-Sęvęn~

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I changed out of some clothes Artemis had lent me and changed back into the my assassins outfit.

There was a knock at the door and I answered with a quick 'come in' before Julian poked his head in.


"Absolutely not," I answered cheekily before Artemis stepped into the room with Apollo on her heels.

Apollo stalked over to me and rubbed his head against my leg and purred as I picked him up and stroked his fur gently.

I'd taken quite a liking to him and him to me - much to Julian dismay and since we've all been hanging out a lot; swimming and playing Flame Chaser and having snowball fight courtesy of Julian.

"Put him down Chase. Next thing you know he bites you and poisons you," Julian warned, half joking and half not.

Artemis clicked her tongue. "He's a cat not a snake.

He blushed. "Well yes, of course I know that, I just-"

"Come on. Julian," I cut him off. "We have to leave."

"Right," he answered before picking Apollo up by the scruff of his neck and dumping him on the bed as he growled. "I really don't like that cat," Julian muttered but loud enough for us to hear.

"Hey!" Artemis and I said in sync.

"Well we need to go bye Artemis!" Julian shouted quickly and dragged me out the room.

I was about to scold Julian in good nature for dragging me around when he cried out a staggered backwards, the sound accompanied by a girl's.

I caught Julian and pushed him back to a standing position before apologising to the person Julian had clumsily run into when I caught sight of Maria rubbing her forehead.

"Sorry," I apologised as I walked over to Maria. "Are you okay?"

She nodded silently before reaching for my hand. She quickly wrote 'go' on my hand.

I nodded and she held my hand, looking at me with big doe eyes before tackling me in a hug.

I froze for a second, confused, since she didn't usually like too much contact. I quickly wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on her shoulder as her arms tightened around me.

She pulled away and quickly looked down as she were embarrassed about hugging me.

I fiddled with my necklace and held the Light Crystal in my hand...

Light Crystal.

It brought me here from the White Starlight Pack so surely it could take me from the Silver Towers to the Lycan pack.

I knelt down in front of her. "Maria if you could leave here would you?" Her eyes widened and she nodded swiftly. "Follow me. I'll see you in a minute Julian."

Julian was about to argue but quickly shut his mouth and smiled, nodding.

I smiled back and quickly took Maria's hand before leading her to the library. I lead her near the wall since it was near the window and there was light shining through.

"Maria don't freak it okay."

She nodded quickly and I held up the Light Crystal and it caught the sunlight before whisking us away.

I landed on the ground in the White Starlight Pack and two Lycans on patrol came over.

"Chase!" The twins said and I quickly hugged them.

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