~Çhapter Thirtęęn~

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I was sitting on my bed when the door suddenly burst open; I jumped and an energy knife appeared in my hand. Zac and Julian came bouncing in with massive grins on their faces while Lucas walked in hesitantly with a look of uncertainty on his face.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked as I let the knife dissipate.

"Prepping the prank against Charlotte," Zac stated and started spreading papers across my desk.

"Yep and Lucas here is going to tell us all of Charlotte's fears," Julian said while dragging Lucas and sitting him down on one of my chairs.

"Guys I told you-"

"That Archer shouldn't bring Charlotte to justice," Zac said dramatically and mock accusingly, while grabbing his prank notebook out his bag, and Lucas sighed.

"No it's just that Charlotte's my sister and..." Lucas trailed off.

"You don't want to betray your family," I said and Lucas nodded. "Okay I respect that, we'll have to do it without inside information," I said and looked at Zac making him nod.

"Julian change of plan," he said and Julian groaned.

"But it was a good prank,"

Zac shrugged."We'll use it on someone else maybe Mrs. Vixen or Mrs. Foster, how about Mr. Taylor," Zac said happily but Lucas cleared his throat."Right sorry; not Mr. Taylor."

"Okay so we've got some hair dye, hot sauce, Carolina Peppers, bags of rotten food, cling film, walkie talkies, chicken broth cubes, a tooth brush frozen in a cup of water, speakers and a lot of creepy dolls some of which talk and a whole lots of other stuff," Julian said and suddenly Zac clapped loudly before pointing at Julian.

"Charlotte's allergic to flowers," he smiled, proud of himself. "We're going to need a lot of flowers."

"Doesn't she control nature?" I asked and Zac smirked.

"That's highly ironic," he said and Lucas shook his head.

"She was born allergic to flowers and only controls animals," he pointed out and Julian smiled.

"She's not severely allergic though right?" I asked and Lucas shook his head.

"It would be a harmless prank," he answered honestly.

"He's joining in on the evil," Julian said and purposely cackled evilly but Lucas just shook his head.

"No I'm just saying-"

Julian rolled his eyes."Yeah okay then."

And soon enough those two were arguing with each other like there was no tomorrow. "Guys!" I shouted and they all looked at me."When are we starting?" I asked with a smirk.

"Well planning starts now and tonight we strike, one of Charlotte's lackey agreed to help us and she lives in the Siren house so she's going to let us in," Julian said and I smiled wickedly.

"Let's get started then."

It took hours but we came up with a plan on where to put everything; everyone stayed in my room as we made plans to do it while she was asleep, but Lucas stayed to make sure we didn't go overboard, he would occasionally go,'guys that's too much', or,'are you sure about that',

We snuck out at midnight, Julian knocked on the Siren house door and one of Charlotte's lackeys opened the door; she had bottle blonde hair, hazel eyes and a lanky build. She was also the pyrokinetic Charlotte paired up with during Survival and Tracking.

"Thanks Tina," Julian whispered and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm only doing this..." she trailed off and shook her head before she walked back into the house, to her room presumably.

"What was the about?" Lucas asked and Julian shrugged while looking away.

"Come on let's go," he said and led us upstairs.

We all knew where Charlotte's room was because Zac and I managed to hack into the school system and stole the blueprints of the entire school. We walked into Charlotte's room and started setting up the pranks.

We swapped her toothpaste with a mixture that looked like toothpaste but was mixed with hot sauce. We put chicken broth cubes in her shower, we put a walkie talkie under her bed as well as speakers all over her room and placed dolls all over her room. We used the toothpaste we stole from her and used it to fill the Oreos, we swapped her shampoo with green hair dye but she had so many shampoos that we decided to swap all of them with other colours like bright yellow.

We put cling film over her toilet, we covered all her walls in edited pictures of herself, we threw away all of her make up, a blow horn was taped behind all her doors, we changed her alarm clock to three o'clock and hid it.

We changed her toothbrush with the one frozen in water, we hid rotten food all over her room and filled thousands of cups of water before placing them all over the floor but we added pepper flakes in them just incase.

Itching powder was placed in her clothes and sliced up Carolina Peppers were put in all her food and beverages.

If you can't tell I'm really into revenge but you can only blame yourself when you do something as stupid as putting one of the worlds largest spiders in my locker.

Also I was just trying to show her what she's messing with before she decides she wants to start a prank war with me-or continue I guess. I'm hoping she'll see the damage I can do and will back down; so in reality I'm being the mature one.

We had to jump out of her window because we filled her bedroom with cups filled with water but it was worth it. I jumped and landed in a crouch with the boys close behind me. Lucas had already gone back to the house because he didn't want to watch us setting up the pranks.

Zac and Julian followed me back to my room since they decided to stay over then we invited Lucas over. We were watching movies on my TV and eating snacks when someone decided to whack me in the face with a pillow.

I half chocked on my food and I saw Lucas laughing while Julian and Zac looked scared. I picked up a pillow and whacked Lucas in the face, he threw his at me but I ducked and it sailed over my head before hitting Julian. I laughed at his shocked expression before he grabbed two of my pillows and hit Lucas and I.

Soon we were all whacking each other except Zac who was sitting quietly in one of my chairs and hoping no one noticed him. I smirked and grabbed a hard pillow before throwing it at his stomach. As soon as I hit Zac the boys remembered him and started hitting him too.

After we got tired and called a truce we built a massive pillow fort and we all sat in it as we watched TV. We occasionally whacked each other or threw food at each other but I think we were all pretty tired by 3:00 am.

Eventually we all just fell asleep.

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