~Çhapter Twęlvę~

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My pencil scratched against the paper as we had to make a map of the stars. We had the Universe with Miss. Fletcher, an elderly woman with greying hair and wise blue eyes as well as a short childlike frame.

We had to know all the stars, their positions and when they appear; we also had to learn to tell the time with the stars.

Hunters apparently had better memories then humans which explains why I found it so easy to learn different languages but it turns out my memory is even better than most Hunters.

I bit the end of my pencil, a bad habit but I can't help it, my mind was going to explode in a second. Stars kept flashing in my eyes as I squeezed them shut trying to stay awake.

My sheet of paper was full and all the star patterns were overlapping; there were too many stars.

Luckily for me, little Chase was smart and had a strange fascination with the stars so naturally I was pretty good at this.

I nearly fell asleep when someone kicked my chair. My eyes jolted open and I looked behind me to see Julian smiling at me. I smiled tiredly as he kicked my chair again; he was trying to keep me awake. I had a nightmare last night that Zac had fallen and we hadn't saved him, a shiver went up my spine at the thought, what if we hadn't caught him?

I jolted forwards as there was another kick to my chair. I must have spaced out because I looked up after the kick and saw Mrs. Fletcher standing over me. She was holding my sheet of paper and held a stern look as her eyes scanned my paper looking for any mistakes, any at all.

I cracked my knuckles nervously as she took what felt like an eternity to check the work I'd done so far, I already had a detention with Mrs. Foster at some point, I didn't need another detention. Mrs. Fletcher stared down at me; a smile stretched over her wrinkled face.

"Well done Miss. Archer, it seems you know your constellations," she said and I smiled a polite smile with a small nod.

"Thank you ma'am," I replied and she turned on her heels before walking around the classroom.

I felt myself smirk as she checked Charlotte's and found nothing but mistakes, I could feel her angry glare on the side of my head as I carried on charting stars. I lurched forward as another kick was delivered to the back of my chair. I turned around and turned to Julian.

"Dude you kick my chair if I'm asleep not if I'm awake and doing my work," I whispered and he smiled cheekily at me.

"How are you so good at this?" He asked and I shrugged, a small smirk pulling on my lips.

"I'm just incredible like that," I whispered and he rolled his eyes.

"And modest too I see," he muttered under his breath but my Average Skills have gotten better which means so has my hearing.

"I heard that and yes I know I'm extremely modest, an average person would rub that in your face but I'm not going to boast about how extremely modest I am," I smirked and Julian rolled his eyes again.

"You're hanging out with Zac too much," he said while shaking his head.

"Well I did have to spend twenty four hours with him Greene," I said in a duh tone.

"Turn around she's coming," he said and I immediately turned around to pretend that I was focusing on my work.

I looked up to find that Mrs. Fletcher wasn't coming at all but still helping Charlotte map the stars. I spun round and glared at Julian as he tried hard not to laugh but failed. I ripped a page out of my notebook and screwed up the paper before throwing it right into Julian's mouth.

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