~Çhapter Fįfty-Ninę~

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Blood Magic is illegal.

"But... but why would Victoria want a book on Blood Magic, which is illegal?" I asked and Zac shrugged.

"Maybe to add to her collection," Lucas offered.

"Or maybe she's evil," Zac said in an exaggerated voice and gasped. "Maybe she wants to kill us all!" He gasped and hid behind my back. "Save me Archer."

"Well," I started slowly,"maybe I should give it to her before she gets too suspicious about where it's been but-"

"Yes," Lucas blurted out. "Give it to her right now."

I glared at him. "I said but." He mumbled a 'sorry' before letting me carry on. "As I was saying before I was ever so rudely interrupted, the Councillors bookmarked certain pages but I don't know why or what they contain."

I grabbed a tissue and carefully flipped the pages until I reached a page with a red velvet square.

Zac peered over my shoulder and looked at the book before gasping. "Oh no," he whispered but he was right next to my ear and I definitely heard him.

"What?" I asked, frustrated that I couldn't read the book. Why didn't they teach me this language here? Oh right, everyone knows the language except for me.

"Mirror Image," Lucas answered in a whisper as they stared at the page.

It had a drawing in a box of a complicated symbol with Huntarius written above it and a bulky description bellow.

"It makes a mirror image of an object or a person in real life, like an actual 3D image of someone, but everything would be inverted; since I'm left handed I would suddenly become right handed," Zac explained.

"What about this?" I asked as I looked for another velvet square and found one.

"Puppeteer," Lucas answered as he paled. "Through a blood bond somebody can control somebody else, make them do whatever the master pleases."

I grabbed my notebook and quickly wrote this down before flicking through the pages.

"Locked Will," Zac said. "It strengthens the Puppeteer bond and completely locks away the persons will."

"Replication Recollection," Lucas said hoarsely. "Replicates memories."

"Heart of Steel," Zac whispered as he wrapped an arm around my waist. "Makes someone as emotionless as a brick wall."

I raised an eyebrow at Lucas. "You know who that reminds me of?" I asked and Lucas sighed. "Your dad."

Zac chuckled. "I can in no way disagree with that."

I smiled and continued to flick through the book until I came across another page.

"What about this one?" I asked and peered at the page.

"Conceal," Lucas and Zac said in sync as I stared at the symbol.

"It hides anything including people," Lucas said flatly as I turned the page.

"Disclose," Zac said this time. "It negates the effects of Conceal and can, you guessed it, reveal hidden things."

I cracked my knuckles nervously. "What would Victoria-"


I perked up at the name and the familiar voice.

"Come back here!" The same female voice shouted and I quickly ran to the door, the book falling of my lap in the process as I flung open the door.

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