~Çhapter Thręę~

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"Goodbye thank you for coming." I chirped happily as people began flooding out the house.

The party was over and it was time for people to go home, it was only nine o'clock but Maya and I have school tomorrow so sleep is important.

After my dream I did some research before I went back to the party more confused then ever, I had been attacked by werewolves and a witch respectively.

I had hoped throughout the whole party that mum or dad would come up to me and tell me the ring was a present from them but they didn't.

I tried to enjoy the rest of the party but I couldn't enjoy it. I mean I was enjoying the party but I was too tired to deal with all this but still I pretended to be fully awake and enjoying talking to all these people who's lives I really didn't care about simply because my parents planned the whole thing and I didn't want them to worry or think that I didn't like the party.

I closed the door as the last person left and I immediately ran upstairs to my room. My mum tried to stop me on the way up, saying that she had something important to tell me, but I made the excuse that I was really tired and needed to sleep before sprinting away.

It all started with that dream, I'm still freaking out about it, it felt so real, then I found the ring on my bed that I can't even take off now and it seems as if I'm using far more strength then I intend to use so either I don't know my own strength or... I don't even know. I darted into my room and flopped down onto the bed.

I turned on to my side and stared at the walls. My entire room was black, even the floor, but it's not because as a child I had a massive fascination with the stars and so mum, dad and I painted my entire room black before adding stars and constellations. I always thought of stars as small spots of light in a seemingly infinite darkness.

The darkness could be many things but mainly, to me, it was the unknown. The stars are considered as the light of knowledge that shone through the unknown.

That's why I liked the stars.

But I guess right now I'm floating in the unknown. I had so many questions that I didn't know the answer too. Am I looking into all this too much? Maybe I did own something like the ring but I just forgot about it? No. I would've put it on at some point and I certainly wouldn't have been able to get it off once it was on.

I heard a tapping sound and I looked around only to realise I was subconsciously tapping the ring. I held up my hand and stared intently at it. Something was going on, I just don't know what. I feel like I've seen the dragon before.

I closed my eyes and could see the dragon staring at me with its blood red ruby eyes. Someone was wearing the ring and was reaching for me. I was about to open my eyes when I heard a soft murmur at the edge of my mind. It sounded like someone singing to me. I tried to grab onto the memory but as soon as I reached for it the memory drifted away and disappeared.

My eyes snapped open as I realised I wouldn't be able to reach the memory but I didn't understand what it meant, my mum didn't wear jewellery since she though it was a waste of money; she only actually owned very few pieces of it and she certainly wouldn't own a ring like the dragon ring; mum also didn't sing to me ever and it was definitely a female voice I heard. There was something missing.

This was a puzzle and I was missing a piece, a very crucial piece at that.

I sighed and rolled off my bed before going to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and made sure it was hot, almost scaldingly so, before stepping in.

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