~Çhapter Sęvęnty~

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Lucas blocked my punch with his hand before clenching it around my fisted hand.

I grabbed onto his wrist and yanked him forward, spinning round and using the momentum to chuck him over my shoulder, throwing him to the floor.

I felt my hair come loose but I didn't tie it back up, even as it fell over my face. Tying it would require time, I don't have time in the middle of a fight.

He grabbed my calf and yanked it to the side. I yelped and tried to balance myself out.

Lucas stood up and I dodged his kick, noticing his feint and dropped low. Unfortunately, that was a trick too.

He grabbed me in a choke hold.

I felt my mind jolt to a stop as I screwed my eyes closed.

He knew.

He wasn't even holding me that tight but I still felt panic building in my chest, expanding and growing.


I spun around and felt relief as the most sensitive area of neck was released, before I aimed for Lucas' face.

He let go of me to protect his face and I spun around, throwing my elbow into his collar bone. He staggered back slightly and I turned back to face him, throwing a right hook.

I caught him and he held his nose as it stared to bleed. I quickly swept him off his feet but he dodged back, his nose gushing blood.

He spun on his foot, aiming a kick right at my neck. I went to block and didn't even see as his leg dropped slightly and ended up catching my ribs.

I was startled slightly and clutched the place I had been kicked with one arm. It didn't hurt too bad but it seemed like a reflex at, to shield the injury.

He jumped forwards and I blocked all his lightning fast punches before dropping low and grabbed his ankle, pulling it out beneath him.

He couldn't balance himself and fell down and tried to get up but I quickly stamped a foot over his chest.

He stared at my foot on his chest and dropped his head back, smiling. "Nice. Now, you should press a bit harder and threaten to cave their chest right in."

I pressed harder against his ribs but was careful not to press too hard, I didn't want to break his chest in.

"Right," Lucas grunted.

His hand was a blur as he grabbed my ankle. I panicked and stamped my foot down on his arm.

He looked at me and my eyes widened. He raised his other arm and I stamped down on it, he laughed as he tried to grab me again with the arm I'd let go of.

Soon, it became a game of whack-a-mole.

I groaned and sat just under his waist, to stop his legs, before leaning forward and pinned his hands to the floor.

"Yep, elbow or knee, they'll give you less chance of injury."

So, I kneed him in all boys biggest weakness.

I kneed him in the crotch.

"Now, you would usually have a weapon on you, but in this instance-"

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