~Çhapter Thįrty-Ęight~

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I sat cross legged on my bed, Zac was laying across my couch while Julian was sprawled across the carpeted floor and Lucas was sitting at my desk.

I tapped my phone idly as my stomach growled for the fifth time. I frowned before sighing and getting up.

"I'm making lunch, do you guys want anything?" I asked but I already knew what they ate and that they'd never say no to food.

As much as I wanted to make the boys get up to make their own lunch, I knew it would be disastrous; Julian offered once and almost burnt down the entire house. It's safe to say I would be the only one even entering the kitchen.

They were so engrossed by their phones they didn't even look up at me. I don't know what they were playing but I know that about an hour ago they started some stupid little competition and hadn't so much as looked up from their phones since.

"Okay then I'll go get some Atropa Belladonna for you guys to eat for lunch, let's see if you survive that," I muttered sarcastically before heading to the door.

I was just about to open it when it swung open itself. I was so shocked I didn't even have time to react as it hit me.

I dropped my phone and Amara came running into the room, stepping right on my phone.

"Oh my god guys you won't believe it but-" she looked down and realised she stepped on my phone before bending down to pick it up. "Sor-"

She gasped and dropped my phone back onto the floor. I opened my mouth to protest when she slapped a hand across my mouth.

"Hey guys," she called, I heard the nervousness in her voice and refrained from licking her hand just yet.

She immediately got the boys attention- after shouting it about five times. "How about we go down stairs to eat lunch, Chase always does it so maybe we should at least help a little."

She was tense and spoke through gritted teeth.

"Nah," the boys said in unison and Amara's jaw locked.

"Get up," she ground out and glared at them.

Lucas got up, rather reluctantly, and tapped Zac on the shoulder but he continued to tap his phone.

"Just a second," he whined and in that moment I knew- he wouldn't be getting up any time soon.

"Zac," she said warning before realising he wouldn't be getting up.

"It's cool Amara," I said. "I'm used to cooking by now, besides I like doing it." But I knew that wasn't what this was about. This was something else.

She shook her head wildly and her hands immediately started moving swiftly around, making rapid hand gestures.

I watched her hands carefully, as they flew all over the place, decoding the gestures. She suddenly stopped and looked at me. I thought for a moment before quickly replying.

Sign language, I don't really know why we had to learn it but...we did.

The boys seemed to understand because they all got up, leaving their phones, and we followed Amara out the room.

She walked stiffly out the room but as soon as we left the room she immediately released a breath and all tension left her body.

"Mind telling us what's going on?" I asked, speaking for all of us.

"Guys someone put something in Chase's phone," she whispered as she dragged us into Lucas's room.

"What?" I said. "What're you talking about?"

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