~Çhapter Tęn~

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I tapped my pen against the desk as Mrs. Foster drones on about Fae, their origins, their strengths and their weaknesses.

Mrs. Foster was a middle aged woman with curly red hair, pale skin and a splash of freckles across the bridge of her nose, she had a willowy build and a high pitched, annoying voice but she also reminded me of someone. I just can't remember who or even why.

I wasn't really paying attention and was instead staring at her face as if I was paying attention but I was really counting her freckles or trying to count them anyway. I had already learnt about this with Zac during one of our tutor sessions so I was fine.

I was doodling on the table when a ball of paper landed in front of me. I looked up and saw Charlotte glaring at me while her lackeys giggled. I sighed and put down my pen before opening the paper and reading what she wrote,

Stay away from them.

I looked up at Charlotte with a raised eyebrow but she was no longer looking at me. I ripped a page out of my notebook and wrote a reply before throwing it at her.

This is how unobservant Mrs. Foster is, people are throwing paper around her classroom and she doesn't even notice.

Charlotte read the paper and glared at me before writing a response and chucking it at me, it almost hit me in the head but my hand darted up and caught it just in time. I unraveled the paper, I had written,'who?" And she had simply replied,"you know who."

I was about to write a sarcastic response involving Voldemort when Mrs. Foster's shrill voice rang through the classroom.

"Miss. Archer!"

I looked up and put an innocent look on my face."Yes Mrs. Foster?" I said and she glared at me with emotionless green eyes.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Nothing," I answered.

"What's in your hands?" She asked and I put the paper in my right hand while holding up my left.

"Air," I replied innocently and I heard Zac snigger in the background but he was silenced by Mrs. Foster's pointed gaze.

"Your other hand," she said strutting over to me.

"Paper," I said sweetly and she snatched the paper out my hand.

"Who wrote this?"


"Who. Wrote. This?"

"A person," I said and she sneered.

"Who. Wrote. This?"

"Charlotte Taylor," I answered.

"I don't believe you," she spat and I rolled my eyes.

"Of course you don't," I muttered, looking over to see Charlotte smirking.

"What did you say?" She shrieked.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't realise you were deaf," I said more then a little irritated, I coughed and cleared my throat. "I said, of course you don't!"

"Well since you're so smart Mrs. Archer. What is the weakness of a Fae?" She asked smugly.

"Iron," I replied without even thinking. She was more then annoyed- her face was turning an unattractive shade of red. "And ash."

"Detention!" She spat and strutted back to the front of the class.

I rolled my eyes."Worth it," I whispered.

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