~Çhapter Twęnty-Sęvęn~

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I stepped out of the bathroom while drying my hair and stared at my bed.

I had to go to the Finishing Party but apparently it was formal so I had to wear a dress.

The school had felt the need to give everyone something to wear and that's how I found myself slipping on the dress that sat on my bed and staring at myself in the mirror. I put on a little bit of makeup and by little bit I mean, winged eyeliner and red lipstick.

My dress was a floor length silver gown; it had a heart shaped neckline, and a sapphire studded belt and the dress shimmered and sparkled when I moved. There was a pair of silver shoes to match even though you couldn't see them under my dress.

I don't understand why we have to dress up so much for a party. I looked at myself in the mirror, I didn't look anything like myself.

I shrugged and walked over to the door. I took a deep breath before walking out.

I walked to the school and into the lunch hall where the party was being held.

I looked around looking for my friends but I couldn't find them anywhere. I walked around the room ad waited for my name to be called.

Everyone was at the party but they were called off into a separate room where Mrs. Vixen was waiting to tell you the results.

Like that wasn't nerve racking.

"Boo!" Someone shouted and I jumped forward. I turned around to see Julian standing there laughing like an idiot.

I gritted my teeth and an energy dagger appeared in my hand. His laughter immediately died.

My dagger disappeared. "Where's Lucas and-"

"Zac?" A voice said from behind me and I turned to see Zac and Lucas.

"Lucas," Julian waved and I smiled but I think it was more of a nervous smile.

Julian was wearing a green leather tunic embroidered with gold and a white long sleeve shirt underneath.

Lucas was wearing a red tunic embroidered with silver and a long sleeve shirt under; his hair was also gelled back.

Zac was wearing a midnight blue tunic embroidered with gold and a white shirt underneath but the sleeves were rolled up; his hair was
disheveled per usual.

"What do we do while we wait?" I asked.

Zac looked around for a moment before smirking at me."Dance," he shouted over the sound of the music and everyone else in the hall.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me away from Julian and Lucas before I could protest. I turned back and Lucas resembled a lost puppy while Julian was wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk. I stuck my tongue out at him and he pouted.

I laughed and nearly tripped up as we abruptly stopped.

"Is this a bad time to mention I can't dance?" I asked Zac loudly but he shrugged.

"Neither can I?"

I laughed."You can step on my toes if I can step on yours."

He smirked before tightening his grip on my hand and placing a hand near my shoulder blade.

"Just follow my lead and let's hope I don't lose my feet," he whispered in my ear.

I scowled and purposely slammed my heel down on his foot when we took a step. He grimaced.

"Point taken. Point taken. Point. Taken," he gushed and I lifted my foot off of his.

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