~Çhapter Sįxty-Threę~

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The sun shone outside, bright and warm as always, while everyone sat on the grass or the benches, near the fountains or in the shade of the trees - while we were up here.

I leaned my head against the glass. "Are we assuming that all teachers have access to the Sub-levels."

"Yes," Lucas answered.

"Then we need to pick a target," Amara stated as she threw my pillows up and down with her feet.

"Mrs. Riley would be the best wouldn't she?" Zac stated from the bathroom. "She trusts everyone here."

"We are not using my mother," Lucas said in a tight voice.

The toilet flushed. "Just saying." Zac sauntered out a moment later.

"What about Mrs. Fletcher?" I contributed, as I cocked my head, she teaches the Universe and we generally get along just fine. "She trusts me - likes me even."

Julian laughed through his nose. "That's because you never fall asleep in her lessons - unlike the rest of us."

I turned my head and smiled. "Touché."

"Back on track," Zac sang from my desk while digging through my draws, probably hoping to find a diary where I 'confessed my love for him'.

"Mrs. Riley then!" Amara exclaimed. She paused before turning to Lucas mouthing a quick 'sorry'.

Julian glanced at his watch - like he'd been doing frequently for the past hour - I think he was meant to be meeting up with Jackson at some point.

"Votes," Julian stated. "Votes for Mrs. Riley."

Lucas' mouth tightened into a thin line as he began to realise that he would not win.

Zac, Julian and I raised our hands as well as Amara, who apologised again to Lucas.

Lucas sighed and tapped his finger against the arm of the chair he sat in. "Fine, what do we need to do."

"We split into groups, it would be weird if we all kept bumping into her as a massive group," I stated and Zac nodded.

"I'm with Archer!"

"Amara?" Lucas asked and Amara beamed, nodding.

Julian fake sniffled and pretended to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye with his index finger, flicking this proverbial tear. "Okay then," he said in a voice too high pitched. "I'll be alone, by myself, lonely and-"

"Oh, for god's sake," I said. "Julian, you're with us."

"What!" Zac shouted, before pouting. "Why?" He whined.

I gave him a sharp glare.  He shut up.

"We need a DNA sample, fingerprints and her voice," Amara frowned. "Recording won't work, not with a phone or anything because the audio isn't good enough." She froze. "I know what we ca-"


We all jumped as Julian was the one who shouted. Julian cleared his throat and blushed. " I meant, no. I know what you're talking about Amara, it's quickly brewed but we're not doing this."

"What're they arguing about now?" I asked Zac in a whisper.

He sighed and came over to me, he wrapped his arms around and rested his chin on my head, i huffed. "Inebriation Gale, it basically gets people drunk without the drinking."

I nodded. "Is Julian the only one qualified enough? Can he do it?"

Zac shrugged as we watched realisation dawn on Lucas and he joined in with the argument. "In my not so humble opinion, I believe Julian can do anything he sets his mind to in Chemistry."

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