~Çhapter Førty-Nįnę~

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Emma sat on the bed I'd woken up in this morning, she stared at me intently, enraptured by every word that flowed so freely out my mouth - too freely.

After repeating the messed up story that is my life for the second time that day, I was finally putting some pieces together.

They seemed to fall together when I reflected on what I'd seen, what I'd heard and what I knew.

I sucked in a lung full of air as I finally finished explaining - again - and I sat in front of Emma, waiting to see what she'd say.

Although it looks as if for once I've managed to leave Emma speechless as she stared at me in shock.

I sighed and got up. "Maya was wrong, I shouldn't stay for Christmas."

I sifted through my stuff on the bedside table until my hand rested on the one object I knew hadn't been on me at the time I'd been knocked out.

I picked up a golden necklace and fingered the pendant. It was a blue crystal and I easily recognised it.

A Light Crystal.

If I held it in direct sunlight then it would take me to the set location Victoria had in mind for me.

I slipped the necklace on and turned to face Emma as she stared at me with a different look on her face then shock.

She squealed before tackling me in a hug. "How could you survive something like that?" She asked as she landed on top of me while I landed on the floor.

"It-" I started but Emma began choking me in a hug.

I felt panic course through my veins as my chest constricted but not out of lack of air but of - fear.

I thrashed but Emma was the best pack fighter for a reason, her slim, model frame could easily misguide you into thinking that she couldn't crush you're spine with a simple hug.

I gasped in as much air as I could but there didn't seem to be enough air in the world.

"Come on Chase, cry it out. It's okay to cry, come on, scream if you need to."

"You're choking me!" I tried to shout but it ended as a whimper and she shushed me as I gasped for air.

"I know, all the emotions are suffocating that's why you need to release them."

I pushed her off me and rolled over onto all fours. I gasped for air and clawed at my throat.

Not enough air, not enough air.

I felt someone's arms wrap around me and pull me up right.

"Breath in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out," a voice said but I could barely distinguish it over the roaring in my ears.

My breathing was short and rapid, my heart was galloping away in my chest, I was seeing stars and my vision was blurred.

That's when I realised it, as the arms loosened around me and I could breathe again, I realised why I panicked.

I feared of strangulation.

I wasn't surprised, I mean of course I was, but Benjamin did just strangle me to the brink of death.

I coughed and sucked in as much air as possible as my blurry vision cleared and I could see Emma again.

"I am so sorry Chase, I didn't mean to, I-I swear, I just - I just thought I could help."

I shook my head. "It's fine."

She nodded before taking my hand. "I really would like it if you stayed for Christmas though."

I nodded. "I guess I'll stay then."

Emma looked down and sniffled. "I was so scared, I did everything I could to find you but you'd just disappeared overnight. I thought I would never see you again. We grew up together and losing you like that-" she choked out a sob.

I hugged her. "It's fine Emma, okay, I'm fine, you're fine. We're all fine."

"You- you can't go back there Chase," Emma whispered. "You can't seriously be thinking about going back there."

I looked away and played with the Light Crystal that hung from he necklace around my neck.

I looked out the window and she knew my answer.

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