~Çhapter Twęnty-Fivę~

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I pulled my school bag over my shoulder and met with Lucas outside the house before walking to school. It was so early but we had all our exams in one day so we came in earlier and finished later.

Zac and Julian were already waiting next to our lockers and they were yet again looking at Zac's prank book.

We used to be really far apart but we managed to make some bargains with people to get our lockers right next to each other. It just makes life so much easier.

"Ready for your midterms?" Julian asked purely to break the tension because nobody was prepared-except Lucas.

"Of course we are," I said sarcastically as I leaned chucked random books into my locker to lighten my bag.

Honestly, I was scared. Scared of failing. Even when there wasn't the threat of being Redirected or expelled, actually expulsion doesn't seem that bad since I get to go home- maybe, I was always afraid of failure.

I considered a 74% in a history test about the causes of the English Civil War between Charles I and Parliament a fail because I usually get somewhere in the 90's.

It didn't help now that everyone expected more from me. More then I could give, more then I had.

"Don't panic guys," Zac said with a pointed look towards me. Stupid Empathy."We'll all do well, great, fantastic and then we'll all realise we had nothing to worry about and laugh it off."

Until the next set of tests

Yep I'm panicking again

I tried not to let it show but when you're standing right in front of an Empath it isn't easy.

Zac stared at me and but the inside of his cheek. I stared back and it felt like an eternity, especially when my eyes started to burn, but I eventually blinked at looked away.

Damn it

He smirked like an idiot but I whacked the back of his head.

"Hey!" He whined and rubbed his head.

"Guys," Julian said making sure to draw out the word."we're gonna be late," Julian complained and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on first we've got The Universe," Lucas said while reaching into his locker.

He pulled out a dull metal band that looked like our Restrictor bracelets except bigger. He fitted it around his head before flipping a switch. He grimaced for a second.

"What's that?" I asked and flicked it with my finger.

"It's to restrict my telepathy since I could use it to my advantage and cheat on the tests," Lucas explained while rubbing his forehead, looking in pain.

"Does it hurt?" Julian asked and Zac tilted his head to the side.

He grimaced suddenly and staggered back as if he had been punched."Yeah it hurts," he wheezed. "Might've opened up a bit too much, if it hurt me physically."

"That's seems like a big flaw in the design," I frowned." Not the Empathy but the...hat?"

Lucas shrugged."Doesn't matter, I only have to wear it for today."

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