~Çhapter Sęvęnty-Føur~

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I ran along the tunnel, pressing my hand against the rough stone. I could hear footsteps, despite how quiet anybody was.

Artemis' footsteps behind me echoed in my ears, we were the last people in the tunnel, everyone else was on the other end.

I felt a hand reach for my shoulder and I felt my body ready for a potential fight, but when Shadow Vapour wistfully curled on my shoulder I let out a deep breath.

"Chase." Artemis states simply, spinning me around to face her. "I want to apologise."

I frowned, tilting my head to the side. "For... for what?"

"I-" she sucked in a deep breath, "I may, or may not, have spied on you with Shadow Vapour and may, or may not, have suspected you were dangerous and I may, or may not, have rifled through your personal belongings."

She was speaking really fast and was wincing as my eyes widened. "You little - if you weren't you I would have stabbed you."

A cocky smirk appeared on her face. "If you can reach me that is."

Her body became translucent as mist coiled around her, then she vanished completely.

I glared, knowing full well she could see me and was laughing. "I hate you."

The shadows blended into the wall and lashed out. I ducked, rolling forwards as she tried to take me off my feet.

I stood and spotted her standing at the end of the tunnel, light flooded in and my eyes widened at the dazzling light.

My legs simply carried me forwards, my arms thrown across my eyes, and I stumbled when I heard breathing.

I rubbed my eyes gently and opened them. Stars danced in my eyes and I rubbed my eyes again. "I hate you so much."

"Nice to know." Julian laughed.

I felt soft fur land on my face, followed by the lick of an animal. I blinked in rapid succession, before my vision cleared, and I stared at Apollo who looked quite arrogant.

"How did you-" I quickly realised I wasn't looking at Artemis and I was staring at Julian. "Sorry." I smiled as an apology for my earlier words that I had inadvertently directed at him.

Artemis laughed. "It's not permanent."

Amara stared at her phone, looking up swiftly. "Victoria walked past, now would be a good time to get going."

Everyone nodded in agreement, knowing the plan.

Artemis quickly dispersed into black mist and Lucas opened the door to let her out, she would keep watch.

Julian stepped out and blended into the wall in his black clothing, prepared to block anybody with a wall of ice since Frosters are common enough to not be traced back to him.

Amara kept watch inside the room and kept in touch with everyone.

Lucas sat there like a brick, not wanting to ruin his 'perfect record'.

Zac and I were tasked with getting us all through the door.

I pressed my hand against the door and almost cried out as a more than controlled electric shock was sent through my body.

Zac caught me as I stumbled back.

"Don't touch the door." I mumbled, clenched my gloved hand.

He pondered for a moment, before pulling out an eight pointed star and slammed it against the door, turning towards me with a smile.

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