~Çhaptęr Sęvęnty-Sįx~

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Apollo growled and charged at the hollow wall, knocking it down to the ground with ease.

The metal clattered to the floor and the sound echoed. The room was completely dark except for the flashing light of Runes that reflected off the metal bars.

I barged into the room, Amara close behind, I spotted liquorice black hair and knelt down in front of Camille Hemlock.

"Leila?" She sounded surprised and I opened my mouth but she continued. "Thank god you're here! Victoria-"

"We know." I interrupted and she finally seemed to get a good look at me.

"Sorry, I - I thought you were Leila." Camille shivered.

I took in her pale skin and the way she couldn't look at the light leaking in form outside as well as her threadbare clothing.

"My name is Chase Archer, the girl over there is Amara and that giant cat is Apollo."

Her head snapped to Apollo as he struggled with the bars.

"Apollo?" She murmured thoughtfully before she turned back to me. "You can negate the Runes."

I stared at her questioningly. "What?"

She nodded. "First draw a horizontal line."

I fumbled around my pockets, turning to Amara. "Got a pen?" I asked but Camille laughed and I nodded slowly. "Right... ummm, no pen."

The knife felt cool in my hand as I sliced the blade down my hand, drawing a vertical line, followed by two hooks on the bottom - it kind of looked like an anchor to me, but Camille said I was doing it right - and I finished with a horizontal line that sat just above my anchor.

The red flashed purple and the Runes on the floors and walls suddenly stopped pulsating.

I gritted my teeth as my knives returned, all their weight coming with them, Apollo gripped the bars and tore them away from the cage with ease.

Camille got up, stumbling slightly and she would have fallen if it wasn't for Amara catching her. "Okay, the rest of the Councillors should be down there." She nodded vaguely.

"Apollo." I pointed and he growled in response, charging down the hallway. "Why did Victoria bring you here?"

Camille's shoulders slumped forwards. "She wanted to be in total control, so she locked us up in here and sent Mirror Images to replace us."

The sound of snapping metal echoed and Apollo came back, followed by four Councillors.

I nodded, running my hand through Apollo's fur. "Amara, get the Councillors out of here - I'll take Victoria."

Amara shook her head. "No, you're not taking Victoria down on your own."

Councillor Nathaniel, Lillian, Noah, Elijah and Camille were quietly talking among themselves, something I wasn't too bothered with at the moment.

I gripped Amara's shoulders. "Amara, I need to stop Victoria before she can hurt anyone else and Apollo needs to find Artemis - you know that we won't be leaving until that happens - but somebody also needs to make sure the Councillors get out okay and that everyone outside is doing fine."

I spun and took off before Amara could argue, Apollo following and taking the lead, running up the stairs to get to the main building and continued moving up.

I turned, looking out the glass, to spot everyone standing outside as some people tried to calm down others and some people held Imparters and I quickly carried on after Apollo.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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