~Çhapter Sįxty-Twø~

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I ran out the end of the tunnel and turned around to see everyone was as nervous as I was, after all - last time we got caught.

Amara was leaning on a desk and talking to Lucas as he stood, grabbing the sleeves of his cloak in his hands nervously.

Amara didn't seem too nervous but she was playing with the light she made. She made it specifically so that only Hunter's could see the light because of how sensitive our eyes are, more so than almost anything.

We all thought we should wear black - to blend in more - as well as our assassin cloaks.

Julian was picking stuff up and putting them back down again from the hidden pockets of his own clock.

Meanwhile Zac was just looking at the door to lead us out of this old, unused classroom - as if already seeing what was about to happen.

He turned to me and smiled. "Ready."

"Probably not."

He laughed through his nose. "Good."

"Are we - are we going now?" Julian asked nervously and, as I was about to say yes, Zac answered.

"Not yet, first I have to tell you 'The Five Steps', usually for pranking but - it'll work."

"Five Steps?" Lucas asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Step 1: Make the plan." Zac said grandly. "Done. Step 2: execute the plan. Step 3: expect the plan to go off the rails."

I smiled at Zac and Amara too smiled slightly, as did Julian, but Lucas looked exasperated. Amara nudged Lucas and he smiled weakly at her.

"Step 4: Make a new plan." Zac continued. "Step 5: Succeed - or Fail."

Julian's hands shook slightly as he ran a hand through his hair and Lucas scowled slightly while muttered under his breath.

Amara smiled gently and jumped off the table, to her feet, Lucas catching her when her legs shook. She nodded at him before turning to me. "Let's get going then."

Amara made the way to the exit of the classroom as quickly as possible, as if she were afraid to go slowly, lest she change her mind. Lucas went next then Julian.

"We won't get caught again," warmth tickled my ear as Zac whispered. "And if we do - this time I'm taking the fall - no more : hi, I'm Chase Archer and I love playing the hero!"

I fake sniffled before crying out and wailing as if in tears, not too loud of course.

"Awww, poor baby, did I hurt your feelings?" Zac asked in a purely condescending tone and I immediately stopped.

"I don't care to talk to you anymore. I'm going to ignore you for the rest of the night," I told him and turned away as he pouted.

"Archer, I'm sorry, please forgive my incompetent behaviour but not everyone can be as intellectual and mature as you."

I smiled a little to myself and quickly turned away as he tried to enter my line of vision.

"Are you coming or what love birds?" Amara's head popped in and I quickly pushed Zac away before walking towards the door.

"Yep." I quickly stuffed my hands into my pocket and my legs moved for me. "I'll stand watch. Zac knows what to do."

Zac stomped his foot at me not talking at him but more about him. "Archer," he whined but I crossed my arms and turned away from him.

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