~Çhapter Thįrty-Sįx~

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I peered over Amara's shoulder as she worked on one of her machines. She just knew what to do and her hands moved so fast I couldn't even keep up.

She's been fitting in really well with the group to be honest. She was easy to get along with and smart enough to fit in with Lucas, strong willed and stubborn enough to deal with Zac and still had enough energy at the end of the day to smile and laugh with Julian.

She sighed. "Are you seriously gonna breath down my neck this whole time?"

I shrugged and retook my seat next to hers. "I'm not really a techie person so all this is pretty cool to me."

She smiled and shook her head slightly before getting back to work.

"So," I drawled. "What you making?"

"Well," her movements slowed slightly. "If we're ever attacked by Lycans again we'll need a way to take them down with less casualties of our own and by casualties I just mean less injuries."

She held up the little box she had been working on.

"You know the saying, you're singing at only a frequency cats and dogs can hear?"

I nodded and her smile grew.

"Well this little box is a bit like a grenade, you throw it and you press this button," she held out a little remote with a big red button on it, "and it sets off a noise that is devastating to dogs since they hear everything at a higher frequency then people. Once they're distracted we attack."

"That's awesome!" I exclaimed. "But how has no one ever thought of this?"

She shrugged. "I guess it's because of how we're trained, it's all 'get a weapon, slash this, stab that, shoot these.' I think it's just- nobody's ever thought of a distraction to make our lives easier." She looked up at me. "I think it's done."

"Cool lets see," I said and she handed it over to me. I weighed it in my hands. "Its light which will make it easy to throw," I pointed out and she nodded before taking it back.

"Now lets test it and make sure it doesn't explode."

My eyes widened. "What-?"

I was cut off my an ear shattering noise. I doubled over and covered my ears as all the sounds around me were blocked out by a ringing noise that was stuck inside my ears.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," Amara spewed while she struggled to turn it off, well I think that's what she said since I was just reading her lips.

Even when she managed to turn it off, I was left with a ringing in my ears.

"I think I'm temporarily deaf!" I said to her, I think I might've shouted it actually.

She put the machine down and put her head in her hands. "I forgot to factor in a Hunters extreme hearing."

"What?" I shouted. I tried to fix my hearing but it just amplified the ringing.

She looked up at me and looped an arm through mine before mouthing one word, infirmary.

I nodded and she dragged me out of the Siren house and to the school infirmary.

We walked in and saw Miss.Harper checking the cupboards. She saw us and immediately put her hands on her hips.

"What now Chase?" She asked but I had to read her lips.

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