~Çhapter Ninetęęn~

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What do you think of when I say the word river?

A nice gentle stream with crystal clear water? Little fishes swimming in the water? Nice green grass and blooming flowers surrounding on the banks of the river? Probably.

Well I'll tell you what I don't think of; rushing rapids that would surely drag me under if I were to step in, jagged rocks on all sides as well as in the water and I'm pretty sure I saw some electric eels swimming in there.

Unluckily for me that's is exactly what I was faced with.

Challenge three:
The river...

...that will surely kill me as soon as I step in.

Call me pessimistic but I honestly don't care sooo...yeah.

I spun around and looked for anything that could help us get across but Mr.Taylor wouldn't do that to us, he's not nice enough to leave us something useful.

I focused on the air above the river and I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to make an energy bridge.

I was tired but not stupid and yet every time I tried all I got was a headache.

I stopped and held out my hand. I tried. I tried but nothing happened. No energy ball.

I clenched my other hand and there was a slight glow in my hands before it sparked and pain shot up my arm.

Something was dampening my Energy Manipulation and if I miraculously managed to make anything then it'd dissolve in seconds before pain ran through my body depending on how much energy I was gathering from my surroundings.

I hissed and dropped my arm.  "Okay, no abilities."

"This is impossible," Lucas growled and I shook my head.

"Nothing is impossible except impossibility itself," I said and began climbed up at a tree to see if we could go round the river, it wasn't that sturdy but I was light and fast."And stop growling you'll sound like a werewolf soon and every Hunter on campus will be after you."

He immediately stopped growling.

I reached the top of the tree and looked around for the end of the river but it stretched on forever, well as far as I could see anyway.

I jumped out of the tree and landed next to Lucas.

"There's no way around. We have to go under, over or across. You pick."

"Across isn't going to work is it?"

I shook my head."We could always build a raft but it'd get destroyed, the river's moving too fast and the rocks... forget it!"


I looked over the river and towards the other side. The river wasn't that wide.

"Well we could always cut a tree down and..." I looked at the trees, they all had willowy trunks that might've been able to support my weight climbing up but not Lucas's and not even mine if we were going to use it as a bridge."Nope."

"No wait!" Lucas turned to me with a smile."We cut down multiple instead of just one and build an actual bridge out of them, just tie them together."

"It might just work," I said and grabbed Lucas's hands."You're a genius Lucas."

I pulled away grabbed a knife from my belt before slicing at the tree but having to use my left hand due to the bite injury.

It shook for a moment before it fell and hit the ground with a loud thud. I looked behind me to see Lucas cutting the tree trucks with his sword.

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