~Çhapter Thįrty-Thręę~

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Julian reached over to help with my serum. I might've passed my mid-terms but that didn't mean I still didn't suck at Chemistry.

"Okay class," Mrs. Riley began, "once you've added the-"

She was abruptly cut off when a loud siren echoed through the classroom. She gasped and paled slightly.

I turned to Lucas but he wasn't looking at me at all and instead just staring at his mum, I looked at Julian but he had paled and gone rigid just staring off into space. I looked behind me at Zac and he gave me a weak smile.

Mrs. Riley grimaced. "Everyone go back to your houses immediately. Now!"

Lucas grabbed my arm and started dragging me through the sea of people.

"Lucas!" I shouted over the noise. "What's going on?"

"I don't think you want to know Chase," he replied.

"Lucas?" I gritted out. "What's going on?"

He sighed and was about to reply when a howl pierced the air. Everyone froze.

"The schools under attack," Lucas's voice echoed in my head.

"From what?"

"Howl. Midday. I would guess Lycans."

His presence in my head disappeared.

I swallowed hard- training is one thing but this? This is entirely different.

Someone threw their arm over my shoulder, I tensed. I would've judo flipped them but there wasn't enough space and Lucas was still holding my arm.

I turned and sighed in relief when I saw it was just Zac.

"Found you," he gasped. "Looked all over for you guys."

"Zac aren't you meant to be going to your own house?" I asked.

"Oh do you not want me around?" He teased.

That wasn't it at all, I felt safer with Zac, Lucas and Julian around- not that I would never admit that to Zac, he doesn't need an ego increase.

I peered over Zac's shoulder. "Where's Julian?"

Zac looked around. "Huh, I thought he was behind me."

"Hmm, maybe he went to the Pegasus house," Lucas suggested and I nodded.

We had managed to push ourselves to the front of the crowd, everyone seemed to be panicking, I don't think anyone expected this to happen.

"Come on let's go in, I probably won't be able to convince Zac to leave so let's go inside," I began to walk over to the door when a shadow flew over head.

I stumbled back as a cloud of dust was kicked up in front of me, one of the boys managed to catch me before I fell over.

I stared, open mouthed as a grey wolf stood in front of me. It was bent low, ready to pounce at any second.

I heard people yelling all around.

It growled and stared at me with glowing red eyes. It's teeth were sharp enough to tear through me easily and as it snarled, exposing its canines I knew that's exactly what it was thinking about.

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