~Çhapter Sęvęntęęn~

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I felt like I'd been physically punched. All the air from my lungs disappeared as did the air from the rest of the world. I felt like I couldn't breathe for a moment.

"What?" I whispered and Lucas grabbed my shoulders.

"The laptop-every single dot on that screen was a person; teachers, students," he said and I clasped my hands together tightly to stop them from shaking.

"They're tracking us," I whispered so quietly Lucas probably couldn't hear even with his Hunter hearing."They've been tracking us!" I shouted and Luca slapped a hand over my mouth.

I licked his hand but he didn't let go. I wanted him to let go, I wanted to scream and punch something. Hard.

"Shh you can't shout things like that Chase," he whispered harshly and I deflated before nodding.

I pried his hand away from my mouth while I felt my eyes fill up. I tried to stop myself from crying but some traitorous tears slipped out.

"Hey it's okay don't cry," he said softly while brushing my tears away.

"Why? Why would they be tracking us. How long have they been tracking us?"I looked up at him."I'm scared Lucas."I admitted and he nodded.

"It's okay to be afraid sometimes Chase," he wiped away the last of my tears and I sniffled.

"Lucas-sniffle-how do you know that all the stuff on the laptop was them-sniffle-tracking us?" I asked and he clenched his jaw while looking away.

"Chase there's a reason I put restrictions on myself when it comes to my telepathy," he said and got a far away look in his eyes."Privacy should be respected. People have done things they aren't proud of and don't want people to know."

He sighed and rubbed and hand over his taut face."I broke my own restrictions. I read Emily's mind without her permission."

I gently placed a hand on his shoulder."Don't stress about it Lucas at least we know to be careful now."

But be careful of what?

"Yeah," Lucas sighed."Yeah you're right."

"Come on let's get to class," I said and lead us to our next class.

Self defence.

We walked out into the field and I saw Mr.Taylor standing there with his arms crossed, looking at his watch.

"Your thirteen minutes fifty two seconds late," he said and glared at us with a scowl on his face."What's your pathetic excuse?"

"I injured myself in Chemistry and Mrs.Riley, your wife, asked Lucas to take me to the infirmary," I said and his scowl deepened.

"Instead of five laps you're doing ten, instead of one hundred push ups you're doing two hundred and fifty and we're doing the obstacle course today, you'll go round first. Go!"

Obstacle course?

I started running with Lucas close behind. I looked behind me and saw Mr.Taylor holding Lucas's arm and talking to him. I honed in my hearing and listened.

"She's a bad influence Lucas. I didn't raise you to be like this. I raised you and your sister to be Hunters. The best Hunters. Perfect Hunters."

"She's my friend father and it's my choice on whether she's my friend or not. It's my choice not yours, not mums and not Charlotte's," Lucas tugged his arm out of Mr.Taylor's grip and ran after me.

Mr.Taylor glared at me but his eyes held no real hate. His eyes didn't hold anything.

I waited for Lucas and let him surpass me for a moment as I held gazes with Mr.Taylor before I looked away and ran after him, easily catching up.

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