~Çhapter Thįrty-Føur~

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I took a deep breath in as my eyes slowly peeled open; I awoke to the feeling that my body absolutely hated me.

I groaned and tried to sit up but as soon as I straightened even the slightest my chest burned. My hand darted to my chest and I looked down as I felt a bandage; I had a bandage wrapped all the way around my chest.

Suddenly the events of yesterday flooded into my mind. I shifted and pushed the blanket off of me before looking at my leg that had been bandaged too.

"Ahh, Chase your awake."

My head snapped up as Mrs. Harper came walking towards me.

"Yeah," I answered. "How long have I been, you know, out of it?"

"A few days," she shrugged. "A lot of people are still here, everyone got pretty banged up during the fight."

I nodded and went to get up but she immediately rushed over to me and gently pushed me back onto the bed.

"I wouldn't advise standing Chase," she said and handed me a glass of water as well as some tablets, which I took gratefully.


"You ready to see anyone?" She asked as I leaned back against the pillows and eating the sandwich she had given me. "The boys were talking my ears off trying to get me to let them in."

That was when I finally took in my surroundings. I was in a small room with white walls and it was pretty empty apart from a few chairs and a bedside table beside the bed I was currently rested on. There were two doors, one presumably lead out the room while the other might be a- bathroom?

"Yeah," I said as I finished my sandwich and closed my eyes, resting my head back. "Let them in."

She smiled with a small shake of her head. "Good luck."

"Yeah," I laughed. "I'm gonna need it."

She walked over to the farthest door and pulled out a key before opening the door.

Immediately the boys came rushing in. They stood next to the bed and started talking all at once. My head was throbbing slightly from all the loud noise.

None of them seemed to realise that I couldn't decipher what they were saying if they all spoke at once.

Did boys have some kind of hidden talent where they can hold two or more completely different conversations at once and not have their brain explode?

"Guys!" I shouted and they immediately shut up." I have one pair of ears, one brain and one mouth, I can't hold three different conversations at once," I explained in a duh tone.

"Okay," Zac nodded slowly. "Valid point. So I think we were all asking the same thing; are you okay?"

I shrugged. "If you don't take in the fact I've been unconscious for three days, my chest is one fire and my leg might just buckle if I try to stand on it." I sucked in a deep breath. "Other then that, I'm fine."

"Was that sarcasm?" Zac asked rhetorically.

"Well nah then."

He nodded. "It was sarcasm."

I rolled my eyes. "How come you guys look so good?" I asked and Zac smirked.

"Oh you think we look good?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, notice how I'm always rolling my eyes around this idiot.

"You know what I mean," I replied.

Lucas shrugged. "You lost a lot of blood and the cuts as well as the bite was pretty deep. We got banged up but we got it fixed pretty quickly."

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