~Çhapter Sįxty-Eįght~

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My eyes watered as the words swam along the page, blurry. I growled in frustration and threw the book behind me, thudding as it hit the floor. I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"What happened to 'rest and relaxation'?" Amara walked into the room and placed a little flower on my bed post that stuck in place.

I stared at her and twitched as I saw the flower growing vines and spreading over the bed post. How did they look so real?

I turned to Amara and that demanding look on her face. I sighed. "Lucas."

She rolled her eyes in exasperation before she pinched the bridge of her nose. She muttered something that sounded extremely like, "I'm going to strangle him."

I laughed through my nose. "I mean, look at this handwriting." I held up the paper which had tiny Edwardian writing on it. "I'm going cross-eyed."

Amara closed her eyes and sighed. "Okay," she leaned against the desk. "Let's get rid of that," she snatched the paper from my hands and opened a drawer.

She grabbed the key from inside the empty draw and -smiling at me due to my 'predictably' when it comes to keys - she swept all the books into the drawer and dropped the papers in after, locking the draw and stuffed the key in her cloak pocket.

"There," she stated and opened my wardrobe. "The Finishing Party is tonight you know."

I murmured something incoherent and got up off my chair before falling face first onto my bed.

"What?" Amara asked.

"I don't feel like it," I lifted myself up with my forearms. "What's that smell?"

"Oh!" Amara rushed over and pointed to the flower. "I imagined that you might have trouble sleeping." She sighed. "It won't scare away the nightmares, but the scent should help you sleep."

Amara stroked the main flower - as the vines had also budded dark purple and blue coloured flowers - thoughtfully. "That's all I could do."

I turned over onto my back and cracked my knuckles as I stared at the leaf-like canopy over head.

They had completely changed the theme and design of my room.

"We thought it might be nice." That's what they had told me but I don't really believe them.

It was a nice theme - Rainforest.

I tilted my head to look at Amara, I smiled. "That's okay, thanks."

She nodded but didn't seem quite satisfied. It was nice to know people cared and stuff but when hey mollycoddle you it because way too annoying.

I sighed. "Seriously, Amara, I'm not a baby."

She closed her eyes briefly. "It's hard when you're always miraculously getting yourself to the near brink of death."

I shrugged, kind of hard when you're lying down, and I bit my tongue. At least it's not you and it's me instead.

I stared at the raw looking wooden legged chairs that was green and plush where you actually sat.

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