~Çhapter Sįxty-Ønę~

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I pushed my food around my plate. I have Tracking and Survival after lunch but I just wasn't hungry.

"Come on Archer. Eat something."

I looked up and turned, looking at Zac beside me. My eyes quickly darted down to his own plate and saw that he hadn't actually eaten that much either.

I looked up at the teachers table. I'd been looking at it every minute but Victoria hadn't drank anything remotely like the Elixir of Life.

We'd told everyone about the witch and everyone seemed quite horrified at the prospect of her trapped in that room.

I quickly speared some brownies onto my fork and stuffed it into my mouth with the vanilla ice cream. I was supposed to be eating lunch but I preferred my warm brownies and ice cream - they make everything better.

I kept staring ahead. "Look, Zac, I'm eating and now you-"

I froze. Victoria reached into her pocket and pulled out a small vial filled with a golden liquid.

"Zac," I murmured and grabbed his arm.

Everyone followed my gaze and saw her pouring the Elixir of Life into her drink.

"Is that-?" Amara started and Julian cut her off with a nod.

"It's incredibly hard to make in fact, most people even think it's just a myth since the ingredients and so rare and so much can go wrong that everyone thinks nobody's actually had a single sip in millennia. Guess we were all wrong."

"Why though?" Lucas breathed. None of us even seemed to think what Silvana said was real until now as Victoria immediately drank the entire glass and she seemed to glow for a moment before returning to normal.

"Sure, eternal beauty is nice and all but why work here?" Lucas questioned as we all watched Victoria.

"Who knows," Zac murmured.

The bell sounded and we were the first to stand while everyone carried on with their merry conversations. I didn't get up before nicking some more brownies though.

We ran to Tracking and Survival while taking a few bets on what we were going, maybe learning to make snares or what we can or cannot eat.

I skidded to a stop on the grass that was still wet after the nights rain but I kind of liked the strange smell it left.

Mr. Freeman was already standing there looking as if we were late when we were actually slightly early.

He waited for everyone - which took awhile since everyone was walking really slowly - before clearing his throat.

"You have a new teacher!" He shouted in his gruff voice. "We'll be dividing the class into two and half with go with me and half will go with-"


That voice, I knew that voice. I gripped the closest person to me and looked to see Julian standing there but everyone else was facing the new teacher.

I whimpered quietly before slowly turning around. A man was standing there with a wolfish grin. He had olive skin, black hair and dark brown eyes.

I almost collapsed, almost cried out from the injustice of the world. He had been exiled from the White Starlight Pack and he somehow ended up here.

Beta Jeremiah.

Or ex-beta now. He looked well enough as the class was split down the middle and - just my luck - I ended up in his group but so did Amara, Julian, Lucas and Zac so it wasn't all bad.

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