~Çhapter Twęnty-Twø~

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I followed Julian into the Chemistry Lab since Mrs.Riley was kind enough to let us use it, I think she was just tired of me blowing it up really.

I shrugged off my jacket as Julian rushed around gathering a bunch of stuff. I sat down and twiddled my thumbs. I didn't really want to touch anything incase I blew it up. That might sound bizarre and unlikely but I really sucked at Chemistry.

Julian glanced over everything he put on the table and nodded his satisfaction before turning to me with his goofy grin, his eyes sparkling with nothing but joy.

"Okay we're gonna start basic."

"Basic," I echoed with a slight nod.

"Sleeping dust," Julian said and flicked open a text book."Enough to knock anyone, anything, out; you can't overdose anyone but since it's a dust it a) gets everywhere and b) can hit too many people instead of just the intended target. A more effective versions is..." Julian trailed off and looked expectantly at me.

"Wait I know this!" I said and searched my brain for a bit but all that was coming to me was random pictures of really cute puppies and kittens.

Don't tell me that has never happened to you. I know it has.

"Okay I don't know this!" I admitted and Julian sighed.

"Sleeping draught, knocks people out for about three hours, can be more, can be less, there are lots of variables a) age b) weight c) height and d) metabolism."

"Sooo, if you have a high metabolism you'll be less effected?" I asked and he nodded, well looks like for once my high metabolism comes in handy; apart from the fact I can eat loads and not get fat, that's awesome.

"But that's not important for today's lesson since we're making sleeping dust not sleeping draught. Actually you have first hand experience with sleeping dust since that's what Lucas used to knock you out and bring you here."

The way he said that so casually as if he was talking about the weather or something boring like that; not my kidnapping.

"So the golden powder was..."

"Sleeping dust? Yes. Now come and grind this up."

I stood up and walked over to the table before grinding up a...something.

I swear I try so hard to learn everything but all these Chemistry ingredients had such stupid, long and, did I mention stupid, names that it actually hurts my brain just looking at it.

The 'lesson' actually consisted of me doing laborious tasks like grinding up ingredients while Julian kept doing all the fun things, but I don't really blame him since I can make just about anything blow up.

We both lost track of time. I looked out the window once and it was bright and sunny but I looked out a second time and suddenly it was dark.

"Damn it!" I shouted and stood up abruptly."I have a training session with Lucas. See you tomorrow Julian," I called as I dashed out the door.

I sprinted down the stairs and totally did not fall on my face once. I ran outside and onto the training field where I could see Lucas's silhouette in the distance.

I slowed down a bit as I saw Lucas practising his sword play against one of the mechanical machines the school has. I stared in awe as Lucas moved around the machine with agility and grace. It was like a dance, you had to know where to put your feet, what to do with your arms but most importantly you had to find your own rhythm to move at.

Lucas slashed at the machine but he couldn't actually break it, the school put enchantments on them to make them unbreakable. He was almost a blur of motion he was moving so fast, his sword was nothing but a few glints in the air when it moved slow enough to be seen.

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