~Çhapter Ęight~

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I slowly walks down the stairs. There were no visible injuries, no bruises or anything, but my legs were still aching, actually scratch that my entire body was aching.

Lucas had wanted to start training as soon as possible so we started last night. We trained until the sun had set and the moon had risen and now I was most definitely feeling the consequences from the training and fights from Mr. Taylor and Charlotte.

Once I'd reached the bottom of the stairs I started to move at a faster pace as people stared at me. It was strange having people here, it was more peaceful without them, now wherever I went people were always there. Not to mention the staring.

I liked it better quiet especially when I could feel their gazes, them judging me, feeling disappointed that I had lost so badly yesterday during Self Defence when they had expected me to be good, to win.

They all knew my legacy, the story of my parents. They knew more about my history than I did. They knew who I was better than I knew myself.

I walked swiftly through the underground tunnels, biting into an apple I grabbed on the way out of the house, Zac would be waiting in the library for me. I got up late today because of the rigorous training from Lucas and now I was late but my legs hurt so much that they quivered from walking and standing so let's forget about running.

I walked through the stone archway that led me to the library and followed the same path as yesterday which lead me straight to Zac sitting at the same table in front of the alcove but with a notebook instead of a mirror, his hair however was still as disheveled as yesterday.

Did he purposely make it messy it or did it just...happen?

"Hey Chase I've already got everything set out," he said without looking up from his notebook.

"What's that?" I asked, like the nosy person I am, and he looked up at me.

"Just some pranks I plan to pull off this year," he said with a mischievous smirk.

"Just keep me out of the blast radius and I won't try out some of the stuff Lucas taught me yesterday," I said half jokingly while I ungraciously fell in to the seat next to Zac.

"Don't worry you won't be affected by any of the pranks," he said. "Probably," he whispered the last part but I heard him.

"Let's just get started," I sighed, looking down, and carving my name into the table, so he wouldn't see my small smile.

"Right we're going to look at the Hunter Council today since when you pass you'll be taking orders from them," he said while pushing a book at me. I smiled slightly at the confidence he held in me to say when and not if. Zac opened the book to a certain page and pointed at the first sentence, telling me to start.

Hundreds of years ago there was a war between Hunters. There were two sides, as there always is in a war, and while one side wanted to protect the humans from the preternatural monsters that roamed the Earth the other side wanted to rule over the humans.

Eventually, after years of bloodshed, a Council rose from the ashes of the war.

All current Council Members are descendants of the original members and are put through years of training before they are given the title. There is one member however who isn't a descendent of the Originals as the previous member, James Thomson, was killed by Lycans without having a single child but Nathaniel Greene, the member who took James's place, was his cousin twice removed and deemed worthy after many tests by the Council.

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