~Çhapter Førty-Twø~

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I shook my head. "That's impossible."

But I knew.

If there was one thing I've learned since I got here is that nothing - and I mean nothing - is impossible.

"You don't think I know that?" Amara jammed more buttons and pulled different pieces of metal out a pouch. "It must be busted."

Lucas shook his head. "Okay, lets assume for the moment that your machine works and everything is right."

"Amara can you give us specific coordinates?" Zac asked as he grabbed a notebook and a fountain pen out of his bag.

Amara sighed, agitated. "No," she spat. "I'm so stupid, I should've added proper coordinate but there wasn't enough time. I was trying to get it done as quickly as possible. I thought it would've been somewhere far away, in like an underground bunker or something - search the area and you find it - whoever is behind all this could be anywhere."

"Assuming Amara is right and everything we've gotten from the machine is true," Julian reasoned. "They could literally be anywhere in the school grounds."

I shook my head. "But they can't be somewhere students are allowed to go incase they were discovered."

"But somewhere the teachers could go because we've already established some of them are in on it," Amara added.

Lucas' eyes widened. "And the only place like that on the school grounds is-"

"The Sub-levels!" We all yelled in unison.

We all seemed to be stuck between levels of horrified and excited. Whenever we thought it just couldn't get worse it did - every single god damned time.

"We have to tell the Council!" Lucas shouted but Julian caught his arm just as he jumped up.

"Lucas think this through," he said. "What are we to the council? Some students at the Hunter Academy - not even real Hunters. We still have no substantial evidence; all we have is Amara's machine which they've never seen before and they will think it's some stupid people begging for attention."

"Not offended or anything," Amara muttered.

"No offence," Julian added with a sorry smile.

Zac sighed. "Julian's right which means-"

"We need to get into the Sub-levels," I breathed.

"How?" Lucas blurted out. "They're off limits, how are we even going to get close enough to the entrance to the Sub-levels to make our way in?"

"Well," Julian drawled and threw an arm over Zac's shoulder. "We do have our very own lock picker and I'm sure that no matter what the lock is - or locks are - Zac has already found a way around the security."

Zac smirked. "Yeah, you got that right."

"Plus," I added, " If we need to hack past some security we got Amara."

"So that's the plan?" Amara asked. "We just, waltz into the school, go down to the entrance of the Sub-levels and trick whatever security measures are there?"

"Yep," I answered. "Pretty much."

Lucas laughed. "This is insane."

"Whoever said anything about us being sane?" Zac asked as he checked his lock picks. "We might need to scout it out today and then actually do something tomorrow so we can get everything we need."

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