~Çhapter Fįfty-Føur~

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I stared at him.

He stared at me.

He blinked once, twice, three times.

We were both shocked - shocked to see each other here of all places.

It was me who made the first move in the end. "What are you doing here?"

"I could be asking you the same question," he said with a surprised expression on his face.

Artemis looked confused. "You... know each other?"

He nodded. "This is the girl I was telling you about."


He turned back to me. "Why are you here? I knew the Councillors were meeting a student but I didn't think it was you... of course it had to be you. What am I talking about. You're a danger magnet Chase!"

I scoffed. "It's okay, I'm not offended."

He smiled and shook his head. "Always the sarcasm, I think Zac is rubbing off on you."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks. Now," I sat on my bed and crossed my legs. "Tell me."

He sighed. "Nathaniel Green."

This two words were enough. My eyes widened. Green. As in-

"Julian Green."

"You're Nathaniel Green's son!" I shouted and he nodded with a small relieved smile.

"I'm actually his youngest son since I have an older brother," Julian tried to play it off as if he wasn't that important.

"How did somebody not notice though? I mean I wouldn't really know since I didn't learn about the Councillors children," I frowned. "But now hat I think of it, you look exactly like your dad, like, freaky exactly."

Julian shrugged. "I think Zac suspected but didn't want to call me out on it since I obviously didn't want to tell people. Plus Julian is technically my middle name and Green isn't exactly a one in a million name."

"What's your first name then?" I asked as I saw cross legged and rested my chin in my hand.

He sighed. "Nathanial." I raised an eyebrow. "With an a instead of an e."

"That's kind of sad, not gonna lie."

He laughed through his nose. "Oh, trust me, I know."

I peered over at Artemis but she was just leaning against the wall.

"Why'd you bring him here?" I asked since she didn't know I was Julian's friend from school and... oh right - crisis.

Artemis rolled her eyes. "To try and get him to stop moping about, I though you could help him since you are quite good at making people not feel bad."

I turned to Julian. "Moping?" I looked back at Artemis. "Him?"

The one person who could make you happy just by being happy. Zac made you laugh with sarcasm and jokes but Julian was just there, his presence was comforting.

So to find that Julian was moping around.

I stood up in front of Julian and crossed my arms, sitting on my hip. "You have some explaining to do."

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