~Çhapter Sįxty-Sęvęn~

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I opened my eyes, releasing a deep breath, blinking repeatedly.

"She's awake!"

I turned and spotted everybody watching me. "Naw den."

I felt sarcastic today.

I shuffled up and the world spun for a second. I clutched my head and looked back up but everything was normal.

"Why am I in the infirmary... again?" I asked.

"Well, Archer," I turned my head to Artemis as she stood, leaning against the wall. "It seems that someone is out to kill you. You have an assassin on your tail."

"Artemis." Zac spoke warningly and Artemis held up her arms in surrender.

"Truth is often painful," she drawled.

Zac raised an eyebrow before shaking his head and turning to me. "How do you feel?" He pressed a hand to my forehead.

"Last time I checked, Mr. Night, you are not a Healer." Miss. Harper stepped up to my bedside and looked through the cabinets, I never noticed before, under the bed.

"Possible dizziness and almost certainly trouble breathing," Miss. Harper seemed to be talking to herself as I batted away my friends all offering me a drink or food - except for Lucas, who was trying to give me homework.

"Miss. Archer," I peeked up and turned towards her.


"I wouldn't panic or be too surprised if you cough up black mucus."

I nodded. Yeah, that definitely wouldn't cause panic - not at all.

"Come back everyday for the next week and we'll see, I'll also set an appointment with Dr. Willow on Mrs. Vixen's request."

"Who's Dr. Willow."

"Therapist," Lucas answered. "Telepath."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why? Why do I always have to see a therapist?"

"Because..." Julian trailed off, unsure of how to finish his sentence.

I laughed and coughed, spitting out black. "Nice." I grabbed a tissue and cleaned my hand before chucking the tissue in the bin. "And thanks, Julian, for really clearing things up for me."

"Because, Victoria came in today and said there might be some trauma, but I think that's absolute rubbish."

Artemis smirked. "I think this was the perfect excuse to 'reform' you, Blair."

I raised an eyebrow and grabbed Zac's hand, trying not to show that I was actually worried at the thought of reformation. "Excuse me?"

Amara laughed. "You're scaring her there, Artemis."

Artemis simply shrugged. "I think that dear old Victoria is beginning to realise that you think differently and that's spreading to us too. You're like a disease."

"Artemis, Victoria - as a teacher here - would never do such a thing as -"

"Shut up, Lucas, and listen," she snapped at Lucas who simply turned his head back down to his homework, scoffing.

Artemis breathed deeply. "As I was saying, you don't think like us all the time. Sure, we're all different but you believe in 'innocent until proven guilty' we're 'kill everything, oh they're innocent - oops'."

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