~Çhapter Thįrty-Nįnę~

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We all sat in a circle on my bed. We needed a plan, a real plan, we had already tossed our phones into Lucas's room with a video of us talking just so whoever was listening wouldn't get suspicious.

"Miss. Harper had the laptop," I started. "We're going to have to assume every teacher is in on this."

"There's no running to any teachers for help, we tell no one and we don't discuss any of this with anyone," Julian added.

"Not even your mum," Zac said to Lucas.

And he rolled his eyes. "Well, nah, then."

"Oh god what has the world come to," Zac mocked. "Lucas is being sarcastic."

Lucas punched Zac's arm and he flopped backwards, placing a hand on his forehead. He stayed like that for a few seconds until sitting back up.

I think he was trying to lighten the mood but you couldn't have cut through the air in here even if you had a chainsaw.

"What do we do first?" I asked, there were so many possible routes to go down and we promised to do this as a team, that meant we would decide as a team.

"I should fix your phone and Lucas's laptop," Amara said."Before the person gets all suspicious."

"I can do some digging in the library and see if any of this is mentioned anywhere," Zac suggested.

"We'll keep an eye on the teachers and see if we can pick up anything that suggests they know about this," Julian said, referring to Lucas and himself.

Everyone's got a job...except me. What could I do? What could I do? Then it hit me.

"I've got an idea," I stood up and walked over to the wardrobe before grabbing a spare backpack.

I quickly shoved stuff in it as everyone sat anxiously waiting for me to tell them my idea.

I grabbed a hair tie and pulled my hair back into a pony tail. "We need to find out more about the trackers," I stated slowly. "So I'm gonna run."

Zac jumped up. "No, no way, you're not running, you aren't leaving."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna run," I repeated. "But I could never even make it off the school premises I mean it's literally huge. I'm gonna camp out somewhere and I won't even tell you guys."

"We run and tell everyone," Amara interrupted with a knowing smile. "And see if you're found quickly enough to be merited as tracking."

"Exactly," I said as I slung my backpack over my shoulder. "We also get to see if it's something physically on me. I was knocked out when I was brought here so they could've injected me with a tracker, well now we're gonna see and test out how good the range is."

"No way," Lucas said. "Running like that is something we should all do together, we can't let Chase do this by herself guys."

Julian and Zac looked like they agreed with Lucas, Amara looked like she wanted to agree but she knew that my mind wouldn't be changed: the boys knew that too but I think they were hoping I'd change my mind.

"Guys, if I get caught I can make the excuse of being homesick and being tired of the school with everything that's happened but you guys were born and raised to come here, to graduate, I can make the excuse but you can't."

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