~Çhapter Sįxty-Fįvę~

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I woke up to the sound of voices. Someone poked me.

"Wakey wakey, Archer."

"Five more minutes."

My voice was horse and dry, it didn't even sound like my own. I shot up and looked around, clutching my throat.

Everyone was staring at me, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Riley and Mr. Cooper where even here.

"What... what happened?"

Everyone seemed to freeze, tense.

"Chase," Julian said gently. That was when I first noticed Jackson standing next to Julian and discreetly squeezed his hand before dropping it. "You were poisoned."

His voice made it out like he couldn't believer it - and neither could I.

I laughed, even as my voice croaked and my throat burned with the effort. "Well, yeah. That drink you suggested was absolutely disgusting, I'm not surprised."

Zac was glaring at Julian and if he developed laser vision right then and there then Julian would definitely be dead.

"But that's the thing, Blair," I laughed at my stupid middle name Artemis is now calling me by. "That little drink Julian gave you doesn't taste disgusting - he made it - it's meant to taste like whatever you love most, it all worked for us... but not for you. Let's say I'm not surprised you could distinguish the poison since... I found it here: It's meant to be odourless and colourless, essentially tasteless too, but you could taste it. I'm not too surprised actually about the poison. You're powerful, influential and curious."

"An assassination attempt would not be the biggest surprise in the world," Amara finished as she played with a bronze piece of metal.

"What's that?" I asked. My voice cracking and kind of raspy, when you have to cough before you can speak normally again.

Zac rushed out the room and Amara looked up, realising I'd been talking to her, and snapping out of her 'tech zone'.

Zac came back in and pressed a cool glass against my lips. I drank the whole glass.

She held it up to show me a 12 pointed star. "It's like a defibrillator, but-"

She let go of it and it went flying towards me. I may or may not have shouted - not really like I could with my voice but...

It landed on my chest. It expanded, some points wrapping around my neck, arms, legs and torso.

"-it gives a shock if it needs to, it also-"

She released another one and this time it wrapped around my head, it was like an oxygen mask.

I glanced at her and raised an eyebrow.

"-helps you breath if you need it. If you don't need it then-"

They dropped off and I took in a deep breath, relieved. They flew back into her hands and she tucked them into her pocket.

"-I'm still working out the kinks but it works pretty well. Sometimes they only do one job - air or shock - when I need them to do both.

"It should shock the nervous system and the heart," she chewed on her lip." It should also shock the brain but... the heart is tricky but definitely doable, however, the brain is only theoretically shockable to revive someone. It works quite well as it is though."

The room was quiet as we all stared at her in awe.

"I'll say," I finally answered.

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