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The hall slowly began filling with people coming in for breakfast. We, as in Julian, Zac, Lucas and I, were the first there since Julian thought it would be funny to wake us all up two hours early; it did however give everyone enough time to get out my room and back to their respective rooms or houses then get ready for the day.

There was excitement radiating off our table as we waited for Charlotte to arrive. Zac bet that she wouldn't even show her face at school today which made Lucas extremely worried and he freaked out but I slapped some sense into him, literally, when he considered telling the teachers - that sat at the front of the room on their platform - what we did.

"What have we done?" Lucas said panicking."What have you guys done? We should tell them," he said pointing to the teachers not being discreet at all."They have to know, we have to-"

I slapped him across the face somewhat softly and he froze, he blinked at me a couple times and was opening mouth, looking like a fish but quickly shut his mouth.

"Listen Lucas; you tell them and all four of us get in trouble," I said.

"Why am I in trouble?" He asked confused and slightly outraged, I sighed while leaning forward in my chair.

"Because, young grasshopper, you knew we were after Charlotte and you knew when we were going to get her but you still didn't interfere," I whispered to him and relaxed back into my chair."And thus you have been presented with a dilemma; get in trouble with us and lose the title of 'Golden Boy' who does no wrong while betraying your friends or stay quiet and keep your title of 'Golden Boy'," I said with a cross between a smile and a smirk.

"Oh god I didn't realise at the beginning of the year I'd be stuck with two Zac's," Lucas joked with a light smile.

"I think you mean two Chase's," Julian corrected and Zac mocked hurt.

"How could you Julian? I thought we were friends?" Zac said in a high pitched girly voice and everyone laughed.

"Come on Zac everyone knows that Julian loves me more," I teased and Zac mock scowled.

"He's mine back off Archer," Zac hissed and grabbed Julian who ended up falling off his chair and onto the floor.

He placed his hand on the table and tried to get up but his hand slid across the table and knocked over his orange juice making his hand slip more, before we knew it he was lying in a puddle of orange juice covered in his breakfast of scrambled eggs.

He pouted adorably as we laughed at him; he got up and sat down in his chair while trying to clean himself up as much as he could.

We were all laughing when a sharp sound filled the hall but was quickly drowned by the talking and laughter. I looked around and saw Mrs.Vixen holding a glass cup and a spoon.

She looked as angelic as ever but her eyes flashed with annoyance. I sat back and relaxed while she waited for everyone to stop talking a listen to her. The noise eventually dies down after two minutes and twenty seven seconds- yes I counted.

Just as she was about to begin speaking the doors slammed open. The entire hall held its breath while Charlotte stomped into the hall; her hair was a rainbow of colours, her face was bare of makeup but her face was flushed from eating or drinking something hot maybe and she was also dripping water.

She gritted her teeth as she sat down at her usual table and people carried on laughing. I almost felt bad - then I remembered the spider sitting in my locker and scuttling down the hall, I shivered involuntarily and immediately felt no remorse.

I looked over and saw Zac and Julian not even trying to contain their laughter while Lucas looked beyond horrified. I looked back to see Charlotte glaring at me like she was trying to burn holes in me; I smiled at her and her face twisted into one of hate before she looked away.

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