~Çhapter Fįvę~

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I stared at Lucas as he sat opposite me. We were in his room since I demanded he answered my questions.

We sat in front of the fireplace and his grey eyes seemed to glow red in the light of the fire while shadows danced across his face. There was a faint crackle in the background but all I could here was the sound of my heart pounding while recalling Victoria and I's conversation.

I didn't even realise I'd spaced out until Lucas snapped his fingers in front of my face. I blinked rapidly and stared at him in shock.

During the time I'd spaced out he'd changed into some more casual clothes; a pair of jeans and a shirt. For some reason I could see him as a high school student now and not the crazy teen that kidnapped me from my bedroom.

His hair wasn't neat anymore but seemed to be messed up in a way that said, yeah I woke up like this but couldn't be bothered to anything about it, what's it to you? His eyes seemed sad for a moment as he realised I'd come back to life, he purposely avoided my gaze but I knew he felt mine as I stared him down. He finally gave up and looked at me with a sigh.

"So you have questions I guess."

I nodded but now that I could actually ask them my throats was closing up. I couldn't decide what to ask first or what questions were more important because I think I deserved a proper explanation not just, oh you didn't know your life's been an entire lie and your parents were Hunters who kill other creatures? That's a shame. Oh well, off you go.

That explanation wasn't very helpful. I closed my eyes and thought about the question that burned in my mind.

"What's going to happen to my family?" I asked and Lucas frowned.

"Well they'll probably look for you for a few years before giving up and having to live with-"

"The fact that you kidnapped me from my bedroom," I offered 'helpfully' and Lucas sighed.

"I was just following orders."

"Although you may have a point, I'm the victim here I was kidnapped and taken to... this place. What is this place?"

"Right it wasn't explained to you. Well this is Hunter Academy where Hunters come and train for a year before being released into the real world under an oath to kill supernatural creatures until they are physically unable to do so." He said nonchalantly but my throats was quite suddenly dry.

"By kill you mean kill kill as in we will murder, execute, slaughter, eradicate, assassinate, terminate..."

"Woah woah woah. Those words seem like such... coarse words let's try... avenge the fallen Hunters, yeah that's better."

"Okay what about my out of whack dreams and the, you know, ring?" I asked and Lucas laughed.

"Right you weren't bought up a Hunter. The dreams are a sign that your being admitted into Hunter Academy. The first dream chooses your house, which is the shape of your ring, Dragon, Phoenix, Pegasus and Siren as you can see your in the Dragon house- as am I," he brought up his hand and showed me his ring which was identical to mine.

"What do they mean?" I asked and Lucas shrugged.

"I don't think anyone knows. The first dream may have also activated some faint powers for you like super strength maybe or super speed but they'll get stronger here and you'll have to learn to control them."

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