~Çhapter Twęnty-Ęight~

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I sat, rigid, on the bench. I shouldn't be here; people were looking for me, places to be, parties to get to, things to celebrate.

And yet, here I was. Sitting on a bench next to the fountain and watching people walk past, throwing a coin in and silently wishing.

Funny how even Hunters throw a coin for a wish.

I watched people walk past and step into a black van. They were blindfolded and driven away. They were being Redirected.

I saw people step outside the school premises whether their parents were waiting or not; some had to be shoved off the premises or they wouldn't leave. They were expelled.

People were crying and screaming, sobbing and throwing tantrums; others were calm and collected, they had nothing but their pride left and they weren't losing it.

I didn't do anything but watch- I knew first hand how your world can change over night and now these people were learning too but their worlds weren't just changing, it as falling apart.

Someone grabbed my arm and I jolted it away. I tilted my head up to see Lucas about to sit next to me.

"Hey," was all he said.

"Hi," I replied as I watched a girl from the Dragon house being pushed off the premises as she screamed bloody murder.

"This is just the first test," Lucas said as he stared at the people being loaded into a van."Imagine the rest of them, how many more people will be gone."

"A few handfuls are gone but it still feels so much emptier then yesterday," I said as I stared at twin sisters hugging each other, both in tears. On of those girls were leaving.

"Come on this is too depressing," Lucas said and tugged me off the bench."Let's go celebrate."

"Sure," I replied hollowly as I stared after a girl waiting for her parents, looking for them, when they weren't there. She'd been doing that for fifteen minutes.

"Come on," he said and tugged me off to the Dragon house; he was doing his best to ignore everything that didn't involve him and I didn't blame him, everyone does that.

We walked into the house to see people partying all over the place. They were drinking and playing loud music. I prayed we wouldn't be stopping and, luckily for me, we kept walking towards the stairs and up.

I wonder if Hunters get hangovers. That would be interesting, literally every person in school with a hangover.

We walked up to my room and when Lucas opened the door I was pleasantly surprised to see Zac and Julian watching a movie on my TV but this time there was less blood and gore.

They didn't give any indication they heard us enter other then a muttered greeting from each of them.

"Do you guys just come round to watch my TV?" I asked and they nodded. "Well, isn't it nice to know I'm well loved," I said sarcastically.

"Come on guys lets go do something," Lucas said.

I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder."They aren't going anywhere."

He sighed."I know."

I walked over to the sofa and sat down in between the two boys. If you can't beat them, join them.

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