~Çhapter Ęightęęn~

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I sprinted into the woods with Lucas close behind. His stamina still isn't great but he's an amazing short distance sprinter. He kept pace with me as I sprinted as fast as I could just to avoid whatever they stocked the woods with.

We were nearly at the mountain when I heard it. A roar. The roar of a...of a jaguar. One roar triggered a whole set of them until all we could hear were roars.

Jaguars. What can I remember about jaguars? They protect their territory as well as the females living in it from other males. They are solitary hunters except from during mating season.

And it was mating season

We couldn't out run a jaguar let alone the equivalent of a pack of them. I climbed up the nearest tree and Lucas followed my lead. It seems I'm more adept at climbing trees because Lucas took twice as long.

I climbed across the trees and did my best to go fast but I had to go fast enough so the jaguars wouldn't find us but slow enough so I didn't lose Lucas.

I saw the mountain and I breathed a sigh of relief. Almost there. The leaves rustled around and I froze. I reached into my belt and pulled out a knife. Lucas came up behind me and I placed a finer to my lips. Be quiet.

The leaves shivered before the parted as a jaguar pounced towards us. I grabbed Lucas's hand and jumped out the tree before landing on the ground in a crouch. I pushed off and sprinted towards the mountain only for a jaguar to pounce out and into my path.

It launched itself at me. I ran before falling and sliding under it. I stood back up and took off running. I reached the mountain and was about to start climbing when I heard Lucas scream. My head whipped behind me and I looked around. I thought he was behind me!

I looked between the mountain and he path I'd come from. Quick Chase you have to choose! I turned away from the mountain and ran back the way I'd come.

I found Lucas surrounded by jaguars with a bite mark in his leg. He was bleeding, his skin pale and he was sweating. He was holding a sword and spinning around trying to determine which would attack first.

I let out a whistle and they all turned to me. I pulled out to knives and spun them in my hands. Kill them now and Lucas might live, I might live and everyone who has to complete it after us won't have to face them; but I promised. I promised not to kill...but the longer they live the more people they hurt.

I looked at the knives in my hands before launching them at the jaguars. I swapped between energy knives and normal knives. They were dropping like flies and I was the person holding the bug spray.

Finally there weren't any left. I sniffled discreetly and went to gather my knives but they disappeared. I reached down to my belt and felt knives there. I pulled one out and saw it was blood free, sparkling clean as if I hadn't used them at all.

I pushed it back into my belt. I was emotionally drained for today. I couldn't get surprised anymore. I walked over to Lucas and helped him up.

"Can you walk?" I asked as he struggled to his feet even with my help.

"No," he said while shaking his head."I can't."

I sighed and threw his arm over my shoulder and helped him walk along. Slowly we made our way to the mountain.

"I don't know how we're going to get over that," I said worriedly and he grimaced.

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