~Çhapter Sįxtęęn~

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I rubbed my eyes groggily and grabbed one of the test tubes as well as a beaker. I was tired. I didn't sleep well, I kept tossing and turning but I couldn't fall asleep. I kept thinking about how Mrs.Vixen was watching me from the window. Just watching.

I yawned and poured both the liquids into the large bowl. I had already thrown a bunch of stuff into the bowl and now I was just hoping it didn't explode when Julian started shouting.

"Chase don't-!"

Too late

My eyes snapped open, as the hairs on my neck stood on end, just as the serum exploded I created a shield around it and managed to contain it.

I breathed a sigh of relief. One thing I was good at was using my abilities, but Chemistry-not so much.

I had already nearly blown up the lab six times and I've actually blow up the lab four times.

I think I set a new record.

Mrs.Riley came running over and told everyone to stay calm and not panic but the thing was that nobody was actually panicking. Everyone was used to me blowing up the classroom so nobody's really bothered anymore-it's so frequent people just know it's coming.

"Oh God Chase your hand!" Lucas said and grabbed my hand showing a large burn wound that looked vibrant red. I must not have contained the whole explosion.

Mrs.Riley inspected my hand and clicked her tongue."Lucas go take Chase to the infirmary and drink this," she said while shoving a vile into my hand quickly."It'll dull the pain."

"Oh please Mrs.Riley your son does more damage during our training sessions," I said and flexed my hand. It didn't hurt at all since my body was so used to pain by now. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Mrs.Riley glared at Lucas who was looking very sheepish and smiled nervously at her, blushing bright red.

"We'll talk about this later Lucas but for now can you two please go down to the infirmary."

Lucas nodded and I quickly downed the vile feeling a tingly sensation spreading through my body before my hand became completely numb while the rest of my body remained tingly. It felt nice.

Lucas led me to the infirmary while he rambled on about how I need to stop making my serums explode and I rolled my eyes. Yeah, like I do it on purpose.

A pair of fingers snapped in front of my eyes and I staggered back, I probably would've also fallen on my butt if Lucas hadn't been holding onto my arm.

"Chase! What is going on with you lately? Your all distracted and you're always spacing out," Lucas said and I sighed.

"I'll tell you after I'm checked up on. This things starting to itch," I said and pointed to my hand.

"Fine," he huffed and carried on walking me to the infirmary.

I stared at the white walls and debated on whether or not I should ask Zac to show me a secret passage to the infirmary from the lab since, it's a pretty long walk.

Speaking of Zac and secret passageways; he still hasn't held up his end of the deal and showed me a passageway. I'd have to remind him of that.

We stepped into the infirmary and saw Miss.Harper rushing around the place carrying paper files and a laptop.

"Hi Emily," I said and she squealed before jumping to face us in surprise. Unfortunately she dropped her papers and laptop in the process.

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