~Çhapter Førty-Ønę~

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Zac threw a grape at me and I opened my mouth, catching it. I quickly chewed and swallowed the grape just before another cane flying at me but from Julian this time, it landed directly in my mouth and I barely had time to swallow before Lucas threw some popcorn at my mouth and I caught it yet again. I quickly chewed and swallowed, gagging at the taste.

"Three for three, read it and weep suckers!" I chugged my drunk down to get rid of the horrid taste in my mouth.

"Lucas, seriously?" I asked and he burst out laughing as I scrunched my nose distastefully. "Ugh, who eats popcorn with cheese on it?"

"You apparently Archer," Zac grabbed a handful and shoved it into my mouth.

I was prepared to spit it right into his face when I chewed it and didn't taste any cheese, just toffee. My eyes widened in realisation, Lucas put cheese on the one he threw at me on purpose. I glared at Lucas before remembering my mouth was full of popcorn and I probably looked like a squirrel. I quickly chewed and swallowed before glaring at Lucas again.

"You are so dead Lucas," I almost launched myself over the table at him but Julian grabbed my arm.

"Dude, Chase, it was one kernel of popcorn," Julian reasoned. "You can't be that mad about it."

I pouted and looked at him. "He's ruined cheese and popcorn for me Julian."

Zac had been trying so hard not to laugh but he finally broke and laughed. I turned to him and pouted.

"This isn't funny," I whined and he laughed harder. I rolled my eyes and slumped in my chair just as someone sat down in Amara's chair.

"Hey guys," Amara said.

"Hey, where have you been...Amara?" I looked up and stared at the girl that looked like Amara except for one massive thing- her scars.

"Julian," I whispered in his ear. "Someone's kidnapped Amara and now is wearing her face, - a shapeshifter maybe? - but they were obviously really stupid since they forgot her scars."

'Amara' laughed. "Guys it's me, this is just a facade, don't worry." She reached into her shirt and pulled out a necklace, the same necklace I picked up from her desk when she snapped.

I gasped. "That's what you were doing!"

She nodded and pressed her finger over what looked like a gemstone but as soon as she touched it, it lit up before it shimmered. The air around Amara distorted hiding her face before it suddenly stopped.

"See," she said and I relaxed as I saw the Amara I knew.

She looked too weird without her scars, I was so used to them by now that seeing her without scars was worse then seeing her with them.

"Why are you hiding your scars?" Lucas asked, beating me to it.

She immediately blushed and looked at the wall next to her. She mumbled something incoherent.

Julian leaned forward with a frown. "You're gonna have to repeat that."

"Because I don't like my scars," she snapped and everyone at the table flinched, she sighed. "I don't like them," she whispered this time.

"Amara you shouldn't hide them," Zac comforted and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah, they make you look awesome," Julian added.

"They make you - you," Lucas smiled kindly and by now Amara was red she looked at me and I smiled too.

"Don't you remember what I told you?" I asked and she shook her head slightly. "anyone can fall in love with someone's smile but you know you've met the best of people when they fall in love with your scars."

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