~Çhapter Førty-Thręę~

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We laughed as we ran down the halls. We were late beyond belief but I didn't care - it's a weird feeling to be honest, not caring, after everything that's happened to me it's a strange feeling.

When we reached Mrs. Foster's classroom for Mythical Creatures we weren't even flushed. I guess training here really did work because I used to be fit, sure, but now I was four times as fit and four times as strong, not to mention ten times as fast.

Everyone's head snapped up as we entered the room. Mrs.Foster glared at us with her dead unnerving eyes.

"Sit down," she snapped and we quickly rushed to our seats as everyone snickered.

Confession time: I came late to lesson and stopped paying attention half way through. Bad, I know, but I was bored and honestly we were learning about Lycans and I am a fricking expert on those by now.

My notebook was filled with doodles before I decided to make better use of my time. I wrote down a plan and by plan I mean what we all had to bring to my room and at what time tonight.

I folded it into a paper airplane and when Mrs. Foster turned her back I threw it to Zac across the room. It landed perfectly on his desk and he picked it up.

Everyone had seen it but nobody cared enough to tell Mrs. Foster - I love the students here.

Zac passed it to Lucas who passed it to Julian who passed it to Amara who passed it to me. It's like pass the parcel!

I read all their replies just as the paper was snatched out my hands.

My head whipped up and I saw Mrs. Foster standing there and reading the paper.

"Really Miss. Archer?" She sounded appalled. "You come to my lesson late then decided to pass notes?" She glared at me. "Lycans?"

I sighed through my nose. "Lycans - two kinds - 1) half vampire half werewolf 2) the kind that attacked the school, they're like werewolves but shift by choice whenever they want instead of at full moons."

She ripped the paper up and threw it in the bin. "Motto."

"Which one?"

"All of them," she spat.

I rolled my eyes. "Show no mercy, kill first ask questions later, everyone mythical creature is a savage and not everyone is who they seem."

I hated all of those but they had been drilled until my head and I'm pretty sure I murmur them in my sleep.

She pursed her lips as her dead eyes pierced holes in me. "Fine but remember that-"

The bell went.

I smirked and packed up before she's could say anything else.

"Bye miss. It has been a pleasure," I smiled sweetly.

As soon as we were outside Zac cane up to me. "That was smart."

I feigned innocence. "What was?"

"Three letters back," he stated simply and I smirked again.

Mrs. Foster ripped up the paper because it was useless to her, Zac was smart enough to figure out that all he had to do was take every letter and change it to three letters before the one had I had written.

"Well morse code would've been useless since every Hunter that passes through here has learnt it and judging from Mrs.Foster's Pegasus ring I would say she went here," I explained.

"Yeah," Amara stepped up next to me. "I'll bring the emergency hammer."

"I'll bring the flash lights," Lucas piped in from behind me.

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