Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

Colton's POV

"Colton, it's time for school." My dad said, shaking me awake. I groaned and rolled onto my other side. "Come on Colton. You need to go early because the counselor needs to talk to you." I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "You have thirty minutes." My dad told me, leaving the room. I stood up and stretched, grabbing my phone and checking to see if I had any messages. None. What did I expect?

I walked to my closet and pulled out a plaid button down shirt, a BVB T-Shirt and black jeans with holes in the knees. I pulled on my jeans and my shirt. I put my plaid shirt on top, leaving it unbuttoned.

I sighed as I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my brush, getting out the knots. I brushed my teeth and walked back into my room, grabbing my phone. I slipped it into my pocket and went downstairs. I grabbed my all black converse and slipped them on, tying them. I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table, my mom placing my breakfast in front of me. By the time I was finished eating, it was time to go.

I slung my bag onto my shoulder and walked out to the car with my dad. Caitlyn has started getting rides from Josh so my dad only had to worry about getting me to school.

The car ride to school was silent. I wasn't tired since I was waking up even earlier at rehab, I just had no motivation to go to school. The only friend I had was Daniel and I don't even know if he will want to be my friend outside of rehab.

"Have a good day." My dad said as he pulled up in front of the school.

"Yeah." I sighed, grabbing my bag and getting out of the car. I walked into the school and into the office, walking up to the lady at the front desk.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I have an appointment with Ms. Scott."

"Okay, go on back." She smiled.I thanked her and walked around her desk, going down the multiple hallways until I found her office. I knocked on the door frame and peeked into her office.

"Come in." She smiled.

"Hi, I'm Colton Longsworth and I'm supposed to have a meeting with you this morning?"

"Yes, I remember you. Close the door and sit." I closed the door and sat down in front of her desk. She pulled out my file and looked through it. "So, you missed a week of school unexcused and then were in the hospital for a while before checking into a thirty day rehab program. You're on the edge of not getting credit for those classes and possibly being held back a year."

"What! No! That week I was gone was because of a family emergency. See, I have the parent note and the funeral thing and everything!" I exclaimed. I can't be held back. I just can't. She sighed and looked at it.

"It's just, the school is having a hard time accepting your month long absence."

"I was in a hospital! This is so ridiculous!"

"Look, I'm on your side. I don't want you to get held back Colton. Look, promise me you will bust your butt to bring your grades up and don't miss another day of school and I'll pull some strings to get you to pass."

"Deal." I sighed.

"Awesome, I'll keep in contact with you for the rest of the year. Have a good day Colton." She smiled. I nodded and walking out of her office, and out into the school. I went to my locker and grabbed what I needed. I sat down in the cafeteria and waited until the bell rang for first period to start.

Once the bell rang, I got up and walked to my art classroom. Cassie and Bryce were in my class but on the first day they sat across the classroom from me since we still weren't on good terms. I sat down in my seat, staring down at the table. I picked my head up once the teacher started talking. I noticed Bryce and Cassie staring at me throughout the class, obviously surprised I was here.

I made it through art class and went to choir where I didn't have any of my old friends so it was a bit easier. After that was American History where I had all of my old friends which was awkward. I walked past them to get to my seat and I could feel them staring at me as I walked past. Every now and then during the class, they would turn around and look at me to make sure I was still there. It was annoying but whatever.

After history, I went to physics where all I had was Brayden. We were seated alphabetically by last name so I was in the middle of the classroom while Brayden was at the front. I was getting out my things for class when Brayden walked over to me.

"Wow, look who's' actually talking to me!"

"It's nice to see you again. You were gone for like a month."

"I'm aware. Thanks for checking up on me by the way."

"Well, when you left we weren't on good terms."

"Well, just so you know, I attempted suicide." I shrugged.

"What!" He exclaimed.

"Yup, Bella died so I overdosed on heroin but ended up in the hospital and then a rehab center for a month. Oh yeah, I also might fail junior year but I am just fine."

"Wow Colton, I'm so sorry."

"And I really enjoyed the staring last class. Thank you."

"I'm sorry, we were just...surprised."

"Brayden, sit down." My teacher said as he walked in. He sighed and went back to his seat. He tried to talk to me after class but I rushed into the lunch line. I scanned the cafeteria until I found Daniel. I sat down across from him and sighed.

"Rough day?"

"My old friends have been gawking at me all day and I might fail junior year, but you know."

"You had the meeting with the counselor too?" I nodded. "We can fail together." He chuckled, making me laugh.

Lunch was definitely the best part of my day. I went to the rest of my classes, my old group of friends still staring at me every time they saw me. I wanted to lash out at them and scream, but I really wanted to be a senior next year, so I was trying not to get sent to the office.

My dad picked me up and brought me home.

"How was school?" My mom asked.

"Fine." I said, going up the stairs, not feeling like talking. Luckily, they didn't pry much out of me at dinner and I went to sleep, not wanting to wake up and do it all over again tomorrow.



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