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(Author's Note: As of May 2018, I have basically rewritten this entire chapter, so it reads better, is more concise, and is overall less crappy of a story. This story originally was a very old RP I had with my friend so it wasn't the best quality which is why I heavily edited it so much. If you are reading this in the future, I hope you enjoy!)

America quietly gets out of bed, careful not to wake England who is sleeping next to him. England starts shifting around, trying to change position, but remains asleep. America smooths down England's unkempt hair and kisses his cheek. "I'll be right back," he whispers.

England begins to reach around in his bed for his boyfriend, and unable to find him begins to shift more. America, completely oblivious, gently laid a blanket on top of England.

England stops grabbing around momentarily, but his eyebrows large eyebrows furrow and a pained expression dawns on his face. America walks to the bathroom, not able to see England's troubled face in the dark.

England's dream then changes from a normal dream to one where he wakes up, creating an illusion of realness.


England sees his boyfriend quietly moving out of their room with a large backpack hanging off his right arm. England blinks a few times fully awakening, sitting up slowly. He hears the front door close softly, and as he looks out his bedroom window he sees America walking towards a car parked in front of the house. America keeps waking and begins to enter the car, causing panic and confusion for England.

Taking initiation, he slides on shoes and opens the front door. America glances back from inside the passenger seat of the car and smiles. As England approaches the car, America rolls down the window, his devious smile still plastered on his face.

"Go back inside, England. My business doesn't concern you anymore, I'm leaving you for good," America says coldly.

England freezes, a horrified look dawning on his face.

A malicious laugh escapes America's mouth. "God, I love seeing you so upset. But like I said, I'm leaving. I found someone else. Someone better," he says, gesturing to the man in the driver's seat.

"B-but," England stammers. He glances to the other man in the car and is stunned when he sees an attractive man who looks nothing like him. The man is stoic, but is clearly also enjoying his pain.

"I don't understand," England barely manages to squeak out, eyes beginning to well with the tears he desperately tried to hold back.

"You had your chance, now go," the man says, voice clear and even.

"You had your chance," America says callously. "Now go. This is the last time I'll say this."

England collapsed to his knees. "How could you do this? What have these last two years been if you were just going to leave like this?" Arthur screamed, sobs beginning to overtake him.

"Well I'm glad you understand that I really am leaving! Goodbye, England," America said cruelly. "Oh and don't ever bother talking to me. Ever."

"Why?" Arthur murmured to himself, his face streaked with tears and rainwater from the storm above.

Without another word, America rolls up the window, smirking at the crying man before his partner drives away.

After what seems like hours of sitting in the rain crying, Arthur trudges back to his bed. He lays down in his wet clothes, sobs still inhibiting him from fully calming down.


Soon England wakes up crying, assuming he fell asleep long ago from the exhaustion of crying so hard. Seeing America gone, he begins to sob once again, remembering the situation.

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