Two Short Oneshots

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(Author's Note: These are two mini oneshots, that are SUPER short but I found some prompts and didn't have any other ideas because I have been having the worst writer's block recently.)

Fanfic 1- Did It Hurt?

Alfred and Arthur sat eating in a restaurant, casually eating their favorite foods, and having just a normal day-date, which they haven't had in forever.

All of the sudden, Alfred interrupts the short silence between conversations with the beginning of a cheesy pickup line.

"Did it hurt?" He asked.

Arthur rolled his eyes and sighed. "Let me guess, when I fell from heaven?"


"What?" Arthur asked, clearly surprised that Alfred wasn't that obvious.

Alfred grinned widely. "Did it hurt when you fell for me?"

"Oh dear lord," Arthur muttered.

"Aw, come on, Artie," Alfred said teasingly, nudging his arm from across the table.

"You are utterly hopeless, Alfred, you know that?"

"Hopelessly in love with you!" Alfred responded cheerfully.

Arthur sighed again. It was going to be one of those days. Not that he had any complaints though.

Fanfic 2- I Need to Get Over Him

Arthur sighed and grabbed his diary and favorite pen, about to write his daily entry, only one person on his mind. The man he loved since middle school.

'Dear diary, I saw him today in the hallway. I didn't know what to do. I used to smile and greet him but I felt so awkward and looked the other way. Besides, he the star of the football team, he'll never notice a geek like me. I need to get over him.'

At the same time, Alfred grabbed his journal and a random pencil he had laying on his desk. He had been writing recently to get better, for a boy he had had a crush on for as long as he could remember.

'Dear journal, in the hallway I passed by the cute, smart guy I usually sit with during chemistry. I tried to smile at him, but he looked the other way. Besides, I'm just some guy who can play football, while he's this adorable honor student. He'll never like a guy like me. I need to get over him.'

Little did they both know, they had similar intentions, and would soon realize that.

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