Change For the Better

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Arthur grumbled to himself as he walked alone to the high school reunion some people brainstormed on senior year, and somehow got the word out to the whole graduating class. Some people couldn't come, but the turnout was apparently huge for a high school reunion. Arthur wouldn't have bothered to come, the party being in the town he grew up in, well besides after he moved to the small, Minnesotan town from London when he was four. He hadn't been in connection with anyone, due to the fact he was so busy with college in Florida. He was here just to visit family due to it being a holiday season, but apparently the ones who coordinated this thought that most people would be home for just such a reason.

He sighed, seeing his old high school that was opened specially for them, nostalgia overtaking him. He hated this place, for so many reasons. Everything; the food, the classes, the teachers, the students- well, all but one. But Arthur doubted he would be there, seeing as the one he was thinking of was in L.A., where he moved after his YouTube channel exploded in popularity.

After his nostalgia-trip, he walked into the open doors he remembered so very well, good and bad memories flooding back.

Arthur walked around, greeting so many people from his high school life, some looking exactly the same, others drastically different to the point of not recognizing them. But they all still had that capability to annoy him beyond belief from seemingly doing nothing. After grabbing some food, and finishing his quick greetings, catch-ups, and what's-new-with-you's, Arthur was about to leave, not wanting to spend more time here than he felt obligated to. But then the person he least expected to see walked in as he was about to leave.


His best friend, from all of high school and most of middle school showed up. But... He was supposed to be in L.A.?

Suddenly, Arthur was snapped out of his thoughts, as a loud "Artie!" echoed through the hall. Before he knew it, he was being embraced by the larger man, who was just the same as he remembered.

"U-uh, hello, Alfred..." Arthur said uncertainly, trying to stop a blush from spreading to his cheeks. Hugging your friend in high school would get a laugh from some jerks, but most people tuned them out anyways and it was just a best friend thing. But when you haven't seen someone for two years, and you're now adults, it seems a little different. Like the hug was more warm, more like it was filling a missing gap, than just a comforting thing.

Alfred let him go suddenly, causing Arthur to feel empty, like something was just ripped away from him. He shrugged it off.

"We haven't talked in forever, Artie! Why'd you stop texting me??" Alfred said, face wide with one of his signature smiles.

"Oh, uh, I was busy with college, and I figured you'd be busy with your channel and-" Arthur quickly tried to explain before Alfred cut him off with a laugh.

"I'd always have time for you, we were friends for years, nothing would change that."

Something about the word "friends" made something sink in him. He didn't know why, but he almost was disappointed.

"I waited for you to call me, or text, or Skype, or... Anything... And then when you didn't I tried to, but you never replied," Alfred said, a small frown forming on his face, which seemed foreign to Arthur. In all his years of being friends with him, he rarely seemed upset, but when he did it was always with him, which he was happy about, but then he realized. Guilt twinged in his gut, as he realized that he was too afraid of losing Alfred because he had this thought that long distance relationships never worked, even if they were just friendships. He was so scared that he pushed Alfred away, pretending he didn't exist, blaming college. Despite that though, he watched every single one of Alfred's videos multiple times, and whenever he missed him, he played a video. Whenever he was bored and wanted someone to talk to, he played a video. Soon he felt himself talking to the videos, as if he was with his best friend the whole time.

"I'm so sorry..." Arthur whispered, half to himself, half to Alfred. He couldn't believe himself. Why did he always mess up what he had, and it took years to fix, only for it to never be the same... If he and Alfred ever started talking again, he knew it wouldn't be the same, and he hated the thought of losing the friendship they had. Before he realized, a single tear had fallen down his cheek, not being able to control it.

"Woah, woah, Artie, it's okay! I didn't mean to make you upset, it's really all completely fine!" Alfred said quickly, holding Arthur's shoulders and crouching slightly so he could look him in the eye.

"I'm so sorry, I-I..." Arthur murmured, before he broke. He started quietly sobbing into Alfred's shoulder, hugging him hard. Alfred was shocked, not knowing what to do, he hugged Arthur back comfortingly, softly stroking his hair. Soon, he led Arthur to one of the open and empty classrooms, closing the door behind him. He led Arthur to one of the desks and sat him on it. Arthur was still crying, leaving Alfred once again not knowing why. All Alfred could do was keep trying to comfort him as much as he could, which calmed Arthur down a lot.

Eventually, he was left sniffling, snot and tears still running down his face, but barely now, as Alfred sat next to him on the desk, rubbing his back lightly.

Arthur leaned over and hugged him. "I'm s-sorry, I-I was scared and-and..."

"It's okay, Arthur," Alfred said seriously, hugging back, "You don't need to be afraid anymore, I'm here now."

"I-I know, but for how long, you have to go back to L.A. and-"

"Hold right there," Alfred said with a wink, a smile spreading across his face.

"Wh-what?" Arthur sniffed.

"I'm going with you to Florida. Well, if you want me to."

Arthur was shocked. So shocked he couldn't reciprocate.

"Is that a good or bad reaction?" Alfred asked.

"You're coming with m-me?! Why?!"

"Well, I may or may not have gotten a huge offer with of YouTube and I'm getting my own YouTube Red show, that requires me to live in Florida, which you just so happen to be at," Alfred said with a smile.

All Arthur could do was hug Alfred again. He was beyond happy. He would get to see Alfred more now and- and something seemed different. Something different than high school friends. He could only wait to see what would happen, but maybe his hunch that their friendship would always be different would be right. And different for the better.

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