The Tree

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(Author's Note: Hey guys, I know I promised you I would post a chapter earlier this week as a thank you for getting me to 2k reads, but I completely forgot that I was going to be so busy with marching band practice and parades. It's been a really long week, and so I apologize about not posting yesterday as well. Hopefully this can make up for those both though! I hope you enjoy!)

Arthur was sat waiting in a grassy field, the soft, tall grass brushing against his arms. His back was leaned up against the tree he knew so well. Above him, the sky started to fade into a light orange, the sun setting.

"My, where did the time go?" Arthur asked himself aloud as he glanced around. He glanced at the watch on his right wrist, the time reading '8:31'. Looking up at the tree, memories flooded back. Memories of the happiest day of his life. When he first took the love of his life, his husband, there for the first time. This was their place. The first time they kissed, the first time they told each other they loved each other, they even got married under this tree. Alfred always told him this was their spot, the place they'd always find each other. Their own place away from the struggles of life where they could just relax alone, but together. He would come soon, he just knew it.

"Arthur?," a voice sounded from behind the tree. Footsteps crunched over the fallen leaves from the tree, as he walked over. "Is that you?"

Arthur turned, looking at the old man standing before him. A concerned expression was all over the man's face.

"Have you seen my husband? His name is Alfred. I'm waiting for him," Arthur asked the man.

"Arthur?" A face of hurt flashed on the old man's face as he took another step closer.

Arthur shook his head. It was too much to hope for. "He's the love of my life. I lost him, but he said he'd find me here. I have to wait for him," he said, looking back to the view of the setting sun he shared with his true love, oblivious to the tears running down Alfred's aged face.

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