Two More Oneshots

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(Author's Note {P1}: I know if you have read my PruCan oneshot in one of my other books, this may seem familiar, but I found a different version of it that I really wanted to recreate with USUK, so if it seems really close, that's why. This won't make sense now, but the bold text will be what they're thinking, while the normal text in quotation marks will be what they're saying out loud.)

Fanfic One- One Conversation

Arthur pushed his shopping cart along the aisle, looking through the different types of tea the store provided, searching for his favorite brand. As he walked over to it, recognizing the packaging the brand always had, before he felt a pair of eyes on him. He glanced up, immediately noticing the man he had dated for almost two years. Alfred. He suddenly frowned, unpleasant memories of the sadness he felt when they split, mixing with his happy memories. He grabbed a few of the packages labeled 'Earl Grey Tea' and a few that were labeled 'Caffeinated Black Tea'. He shoved them into his cart, before he tried to quickly leave the aisle, cursing Alfred for showing up by the tea. He knew he always bought tea every other Saturday.

"Arthur..." he heard the all too familiar voice from behind him.

Arthur turned his head slightly, barely glancing back to Alfred. He couldn't do this today, even though it was over half a year ago they broke up, he still wasn't over it.

Alfred sighed. "I... I really miss you..."

"Well that's bloody marvelous, isn't it?" Arthur asked rhetorically, voice thick with sarcasm and anger as he tried to defend himself from breaking down.It was the only way he knew how.

"Arthur, please, I just want one conversation, please. That's all I ask, I swear," Alfred begged, giving Arthur his signature puppy-dog eyes. Arthur scowled at him fiercely.

"Fine. One conversation."

Alfred looked so relieved, until Arthur moved onto the topic he didn't want to talk about, but he couldn't steer away from.


"Your new boyfriend is cute," Arthur said, voice not conveying any emotion, but his face seemed to barely hide the hurt he felt still to this day.

'I bet he stole your heart.'

"Yeah... He is..." Alfred replied, rubbing his neck uncomfortably.

'But you're still the most beautiful man I'll ever know.'

After a short pause, Arthur picked up the conversation, "I heard he's funny and amazing."

'Everything I wasn't...'

"He sure is," Alfred responded, almost guiltily.

'But he's nothing compared you.'

"I bet you know everything about him by now," Arthur said.

'Like how you used to know everything about me.'

"Only the stuff that counts," Alfred said, looking very uncomfortable.

'I can't remember anything he told me when I think of you.'

After a long time, Arthur sighed. "Well... I hope you guys last." He tried to sound sincere but his voice cracked heavily.

'Cause we didn't, and frankly you deserve better.'

"I hope we do too."

'What happened to us?'

"Well I have to go. I have things to do." Arthur said, awkwardly shifting towards the end of the aisle.

'Before I end up crying...'

"Yeah. Me too." Alfred replied simply, glancing around trying to find something to do.

'I hope you or I don't cry...'

"Bye..." Arthur said weakly before walking away quickly.

'I still love you.'

"Later, dude..." Alfred mumbled before walking away slowly, hesitating and looking after Arthur longingly before doing so.

'I never stopped loving you.'


(Author's Note {P2}: This is just an extremely short little thing I found that I wanted to write out, and it was not near long enough for its own chapter, so I have just decided to include it in this since the other oneshot was also somewhat short.)

Fanfic 2- The Stars

Arthur and Alfred sat on a soft, fleece blanket that was laid out on the grass in front of their home. For most of the night, Arthur and Alfred laid next to each other, gazing into each other's eyes, talking about anything and everything. It usually wasn't this nice outside where they lived, so when there were these beautiful, clear nights that were the perfect temperature, they sat outside for hours on end, bonding.

Arthur glanced over to Alfred. "Do you love me?"

Alfred laughed, "Of course, Artie, forever and always."

"How much do you love me?" Arthur asked. He always was the self conscious one in the pair, and no matter how many times Alfred told him he was perfect, he had so many doubts.

"Look up to the sky."

"Stop changing the subject..." Arthur said, looking down at the ground meekly.

"Just look, Artie," Alfred said softly, nudging up his chin gently.

Arthur looked up reluctantly. "What am I supposed to be doing?"

"Now count all the stars in the sky," Alfred said, and though Arthur wasn't looking at him, he could sense a huge grin on his face.

"But that's impossible..." Arthur muttered.

"Exactly. So is explaining my love for you," Alfred said, his huge grin growing.

Arthur looked down from the sky quickly, face bright red, looking both upset and elated at the same time somehow. "B-bloody hell, Alfred! What was that supposed to be?!"

"Hey, you enjoyed it, Artie, so don't ask me," Alfred chuckled with a smug look on his face.

"I did not like that, you git!" Arthur firmly stated.

"Surrrrreeee you didn't," Alfred said lying back down on the blanket.

"I hate you so much," Arthur muttered angrily.

"Oh, come on, that's not true, Artie," Alfred said teasingly.

"Whatever..." Arthur huffed.

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