Why Me?

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(Author's Note: Ok, I kinda had to look up the part with what grade Alfred transferred in (you'll see once you read) and I had some issues, so if the grade/year/whatever in England isn't correct, then I apologize.)

Arthur sighed softly to himself. He never knew what he did to deserve such an amazing boyfriend. He glanced up at the American from his position of snuggling next to him. His boyfriend for a few months now was the most amazing person in his eyes. He was sweet, and gorgeous, and perfect, and bloody frustrating as well, but he was so amazing at the same time.

He remembered how they first met. Alfred had transferred from his small school in America to Arthur's large one in London, and everyone immediately took attention to him. Who wouldn't want to be friends with the cool American who transferred halfway through year nine. Girls flocked to him and raved over how attractive he was and guys rushed to him to be some of his first friends.

Arthur never really tried to go after him directly, he just stayed in the background awkwardly crushing over him. He knew that the one nerdy boy would never get noticed by someone like Alfred.

But maybe he was wrong. In their last year, Alfred had suddenly started talking to him. A lot. Well, after a long while, he finally confessed right before school was finally done, that he had liked him ever since he first was his lab partner in his chemistry class, and despite pretending to be distant, he just didn't want to seem strange to Arthur. Luckily, they ended up going to the same college, so they could see each other often.


Why had he fallen for him at all? What was so good about the grumpy Brit who didn't know what to do with himself? Why him of all people?

'Why me?...'

Arthur couldn't think of why, and despite all his doubts, he felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

Suddenly, he was jerked back to reality when he heard some soft snoring coming from Alfred's slightly open mouth. Arthur chuckled quietly to himself before snuggling closer to Alfred. He slowly felt himself drifting off to sleep, thoughts of Alfred filling his mind.

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