Rainwater + Important Author's Note

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(Author's Note: Hey guys! I just wanted to make a super huge apology for taking another break so shortly after the one I just finished. I've been a little overhauled with homework in one of my new classes, so I just haven't had much time to prioritize this book. Regardless, I promise in the future I will put more effort into writing. Also, for those who have made requests, I promise I will start to write those next weekend. Sorry again for the delay! Also, just we are on the same page, this is very shortly after America declared his independence from England. Enjoy!)

England looked solemnly over the cliff, peering down at the waves crashing over the sharp rocks below. The sky was dark large amounts of gray clouds continued to roll in from just off the coast. Normally in weather like this, he would be welled up in his living room, reading a book, with friends, or just enjoying himself.

But it was too hard to do that now. Not now when he couldn't even care enough to stand up and walk home. Not when he didn't have the motivation to do anything.

Not after he had the one he trusted more than anyone betray him.

England flopped backwards on the grass, just as the clouds started to lightly sprinkle, small tears dripped from his eyes. The rain and tears mixed together and fell down his face, but he didn't care anymore. How could he?

After what seemed like years had passed, the clouds let up their steady downpour. How long had he been out there? An hour? A few? Maybe a day? Everything seemed so dull he couldn't even try to discern how long he spent silently sobbing, wishing for the pain to subside. As the sun began to slowly peak out from the dispersing clouds, England groaned. Why? How dare nature show how easily it could become bright again. How dare it make others happy when he felt this bad.

After laying there for even more time, he heard footsteps slowly approaching him, the wet grass squishing beneath the weight of the incoming person.

"England?" A soft, concerned voice from behind him asked.

That voice.

England's eyes jolted open, but he didn't bother to move his head. He already knew who it was.

"Go away. I don't want to hear anything from you. Please, I can't do this again," England choked, voice cracking despite his best efforts.

"But I want to talk," the voice answered back, desperation in their voice.

England stood up and turned to the man standing before him, but refused to look at him.

"What are you doing here. You've already hurt me enough," England said, looking down at the set ground, wishing for this all to be over.

"I came looking for my best friend. I miss him," the voice said sadly.

England's eyes widened as he finally looked at the person in front of him, eyes welling with tears he tried so hard to suppress.


The man before him had a face which could only be described as regretful.

"I'm so sorry, Iggy," he whispered, utilizing the name he called England as a child.

England gritted his teeth. "Is this some kind of prank to try to make this even harder on me? You got what you wanted right? Leave already!" England began to feel his sadness bubble into anger.

'Why won't you leave me alone? Haven't you hurt me enough?' England thought angrily.

America slowly walked over to England, his arms wide open.

"Look, I'm sorry. I made the biggest mistake of my whole life, so please forgive me."

The arms of the man he used to know so well looked so inviting, so warm and comforting. But he couldn't ever forgive him. Not after what he did. It was a mistake he could never take back.

"Please," America whispered, beginning to look very distressed.

England scowled as he tried to resist. He couldn't. Not after what he did to him.

A single tear streamed down from America's right eye. "Please. I'm so sorry, but please, just please forgive me," America pleaded.

England looked up. America was just a few feet in front of him.


And just like that, despite his best efforts, he was in America's arms.

He sobbed into the younger man's chest, letting go of all self control.

"I'm so sorry, England," America whispered into England's hair, rubbing his back softly.

"Don't ever do that again," England sobbed as he clutched at America's back.

"I won't. I promise," America reassured softly.

"Never in a million years."

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