Picnic At The Park (USUK Week Day 4)

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(Author's Note: Just a quick note, this is in Arthur's POV.)

I watched as my boyfriend rushed off of the bus we rode to get to our city park. I walked off the bus at a normal pace, gesturing slightly at the bus driver as he told me his thanks for riding.

Alfred, my boyfriend, went to an empty area near the small lake at the park. I went over and set down my basket.

"Bloody hell, Alfred. Why'd you rush over here like that?" I asked.

"Well I was excited, Artie! Why wouldn't I?"

I just rolled my eyes at his response.

I got out the thin, but large blanket from the basket and began to spread it out on the ground.

"Please, allow me," Alfred said while he bowed, acting chivalrous.

I rolled my eyes again, but I couldn't help the smile form on my face when he took the blanket, laid it down, and bowed again.

"Aw, come on, not even a chuckle?" Alfred asked, a huge smile on his face as always.

"No, that wasn't even funny, Alfred, why would I laugh?" I told him, shaking my head slightly before I sat down on the blanket.

He sat next to me. "I got you to smile though," he replied.

"Did not."

"Did too."

"I told you before, Alfred. I did not smile, you're just delusional," I said, taking a ham sandwich out of the picnic basket.

"I saw you, Arthur, you can't hide it from me," Alfred said with a smirk.

"Whatever, just take the bloody sandwich," I muttered, finally giving in as I shoved the sandwich at him. I got myself one and before I unwrapped it, I got out two juice boxes.

"I feel so young doing this. I haven't had a picnic for ages," I said half to myself, before taking a bite of my sandwich.


After Alfred and I ate and talked, we laid down on the blanket, and cloud gazed. It was so peaceful. That was, until Alfred ruined it.

"Hey, Artie. I have something to tell you," he said, out of the blue.


"I don't know what's prettier. The sky, the lake, or your eyes. Actually, I do know, it's you," he said.

Blushing heavily, I turned quickly over to him, to see him making an unreadable face. Was that a strange smirk, or him trying not to laugh? Or was it something else? Oh well, didn't matter. "Alfred! That was terrible, and so cliché, and- and just horrible!" I told him angrily. "R-really, that wasn't okay, and-"

I was interrupted by Alfred turning over, leaning in, and kissing my lips softly. This just caused me to sputter more once he pulled away.

"Arthur, it wasn't that bad," he said with his ever-present smile replacing the weird look on his face.

"Ugh, I don't even care anymore," I muttered to myself quietly.

"Well of course you don't now, you're just happy now 'cause I kissed you," Alfred said, smirking once again.

I blushed once again, shoving his shoulder lightly.

"Am not," I told him as I rolled onto my back.

"Are too."

Not this again...

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