What To Do? (Part Two)

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(Author's Note: This is the second part of the last chapter I posted last Friday if you are reading this as it comes out. If for whatever reason you haven't read that chapter, please go check it out before you read this, otherwise it probably won't make much sense. Also, I know it is very short, I just wanted to continue it a bit further than I left it at before.)

"Well, what to do now..." Alfred wondered out loud.

Arthur thought. "Well, the reasonable solution is for one of us to go back home..." Arthur mumbled into the phone, disappointed that his surprise he planned for months fell apart in a matter of minutes.

Now the problem was what person should go home, only to be left with the disappointment.

"I can-"
"I'll go back to-"
They both interrupted each other.

"No, no, it's quite all right, love. I'll just... Go home to you and it will be even better," Arthur said, making sure his disappointment didn't show through his voice.

"Artie, its really okay, I don't mind at all, I swear," Alfred said insistently.

Both of them seemed adamant about not letting the other down, to the point where they argued for at least twenty minutes before they finally realized.

Maybe they could do both.

They could venture to each other's home's for a while, tour their hometowns, and just be together.

It was perfect.


Now there was another problem.

Where to go first?

Well, whatever would happen, both Arthur and Alfred knew it would be their favorite memory in the last few years, and no matter what ended up coming from it, they'd be happier than ever just to be together for the first time.

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