I'm No Angel

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(Author's Note: I'm so sorry this is late, I had extended family over for my dad's birthday and early Mother's Day celebration stuff, so I apologize again that this is late. Just so you know, this is in Alfred's POV, and it's in a college AU. Also, random thing, if any of you get the 'unspoken thing' reference, I love you, cause I'm literally obsessed with what that reference comes from, so anyways, I hope you enjoy!)

I sat across from the British boy, Arthur, that I had in sociology class. We had been talking for years, and knew each other since high school, and somehow ended up in the same college. We were good friends in high school, but somewhere between that and college, something changed. There seemed to be tension between us, and not in a bad way. Eventually, I realized that I wanted to become closer to the smaller boy, though I didn't quite understand why.

When we finally addressed the tension, Arthur was the first to talk about it, which surprised Alfred. He thought he'd never admit anything was different than it was. After Arthur told me, I also admitted something seemed different.

That was when we finally did something about it, after months of it being present, like a ghost, sitting in the background; always there, but no one addressing it. We decided to forget everything they thought about each other, and start over. Of course we'd still be friends, but they just wanted to do what felt right with each other.

At first, we just went out to eat a few times together, and though we called it "friend dates" we felt different than just any old meeting with a friend. There was some sort of unspoken thing, like we didn't want to admit what we truly felt, but somehow we both knew that it was there.

After a few months of the "friend dates" we finally decided to do something about the unspoken feelings. This time, it was me who first brought it up. We soon decided that we wanted to stop ignoring what was obvious, and just at least try a relationship. We agreed to take it slow, and make sure if anything felt weird, we'd stop and go back to normal, but this was what we both wanted to do, and we couldn't ignore these feelings anymore.


I sat across from Arthur, pushing around some noodles on my plate with my fork slightly nervously. This was only our third real date, and for some reason this one felt different than the others.

Arthur had been ranting about something, though I was too lost in thought to pay attention.

He suddenly looked up to see Arthur staring at him, though it looked like he was somewhat upset.

'Crap, I messed up, he knows,' I thought.

Arthur looked back down at his mostly empty plate. "It's just... I feel like I'm useless and horrible and-"

"What? Where'd this come from?" I suddenly interrupted.

"In my Scientology class today, they taught us about a bunch of history with angels and how they impacted people both in the past and now and they told us to think about what they mean to us and compare some qualities of yourself to them and it got me thinking how horrible I am compared to them," Arthur said, speaking rapidly, not even pausing where sentences should've ended, while he got more and more worked up as he kept talking.

"But Arthur, you're not horrible or anything, and I guarantee your professor didn't mean it like that." I looked him straight into his bright green eyes, which were shimmering slightly as he held back tears. "You're perfect," I said, smiling lightly, truly meaning what I said.

"I'm no angel though..." Arthur said, looking back down at what was left of his food, poking a slice of garlic bread with his knife.

I reached across the table and lightly lifted Arthur's chin. "But you are to me," I said.

His emerald colored eyes blinked a couple times, before he shook his head. It dropped back down again, and he rested it on his upright arm solemnly. "You don't mean that."

"But I do, more than you'll ever know. To me, you're perfect, and nothing can change that. And I could go on and on about why you are, but I'll spare you the cheesy
"And I just want you to know, that despite anything else that happens, I love you, Arthur," I said as I squeezed his hand lightly.

He suddenly looked up, a dark blush covering his face.


"I do, and nothing some professor says about you can make me change my mind."

Arthur finally composed himself, and looked down at my hand on his. Sighing, he muttered, "I'm no good at any of this feelings stuff..."

He then looked up. "I love you too, I guess," he murmured quietly.

"You guess? Seems like you're pretty sure to me," I laughed.

Arthur's blush reappeared on his face. "Sh-shut up," he said, clearly embarrassed.

Well, Arthur was back to his normal self, but there was a barrier that was broken. We both seemed like a secret we had to keep disappeared, and we were both elated to finally be fully open with each other now that the barrier had been broken. We promised that there would be no more unspoken things.

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